
A Franc coding challenge.

The Challange - A social media time line

A timeline consists of all your tweets plus all the tweets of people you follow ordered chronologically.


  • We don't expect you to spend all day on this. We are just looking for a functional proto-type.
  • Feel free to contact us to clarify an details. We are here to help you.

Instructions on running the application

  1. You'll need python installed. 3.7+ recommened.
  2. Install the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Once flask is installed use python to start the application

In scope

  • Being able to view the registered user's timeline where the posts are ordered chronologically

Out of scope

  • Registering new users
  • Posting new tweets
  • Authentication

If you get stuck

  1. Please reach out to us for anything
  2. This is a flask application - here is some documentation:
  3. Python


  1. Try to get the example working.
  2. See if you can get a single users timeline.