
Palota Countries API Assessment Exercise

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Azure Function App


The following application settings have to be set to run the function app

Setting Name Setting Type Description
COUNTRIES_API_URL string Contries API Base URL

These settings should be loaded onto Azure Portal when running on Azure or set inside local.settings.json file when running locally.

Getting Started

Use this repo as a template into your own Github account so you can make changes.

The repository will come with an existing function. You can leave that as is.

Assessment Requirements


You are required to create a couple of endpoints using functions that query certain information about countries from an external API. The endpoints should have specific paths and return a response in a specific format. There should be error handling on the endpoints.

External API dependency

This assessment relies on an external API from The API offers multiple endpoints relating to querying rich data about countries.

Please ensure that the base URL of the API is made configurable as an app setting named COUNTRIES_API_URL. As opposed to hardcoding the value in the code.


You need to create new functions covering each of the below endpoints (ensure to name the path as indicated).

HTTP Verb Path Description
GET /countries List all countries
GET /countries/{iso3Code} Return a single country using the ISO 3 code
GET /countries/{iso3Code}/borders List all countries bordering a specific country identified by the ISO 3 code
GET /continents/{continentName}/countries/ List all countries in a specific continent identified by its name

N.B.: All successful responses should return status code 200

Response Payloads

Successful responses

Successful responses will either be a single country or a list of countries (the list may be empty in some cases).

The country object that your API should return is different from the original payload from Please ensure to map fields properly.

Single Country Successful Response

    "name": "South Africa",
    "iso3Code": "ZAF",
    "capital": "Pretoria",
    "subregion": "Southern Africa",
    "region": "Africa",
    "population": 59308690,
    "location": {
        "lattitude": -29.0,
        "longitude": 24.0
    "demonym": "South African",
    "nativeName": "South Africa",
    "numericCode": "710",
    "flag": ""

List of Countries Successful Response

N.B.: In certain cases the list may be empty, most cases it will have multiple items

        "name": "South Africa",
        "iso3Code": "ZAF",
        "capital": "Pretoria",
        "subregion": "Southern Africa",
        "region": "Africa",
        "population": 59308690,
        "location": {
            "lattitude": -29.0,
            "longitude": 24.0
        "demonym": "South African",
        "nativeName": "South Africa",
        "numericCode": "710",
        "flag": ""

Error responses

There are two main errors that should be catered for:

  1. The country could not be found (via ISO 3 code)
  2. The contient could not be found (via continent name)

The payload structure is as follows:

    "message": "<error-message>"
Scenario Error Code Error Message Example
Country not found 404 "The country with ISO 3166 Alpha 3 code 'zar' could not be found."
Continent not found 404 "The continent with name 'arica' could not be found."

Assessment Grading Criteria

Below is a high-level overview of the main grading criteria that will be used to grade submissions.

  • Funcional endpoints
  • Making use of app setting configuration for base URL (for external API)
  • Response payload structure
  • Error handling and HTTP response codes
  • Code quality (clean code)


Once done with the tasks, commit all your code and push it to your own remote github repository. Submit a link to your repo (with relevant branch - ideally main) to the email which will be provided to you separately when the assessment is assigned to you.

Important: Make sure your function app compiles and runs locally before submitting