
This is the example that is possible to create VSCode like editor on ESP32 based on Monaco editor.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is the example that is possible to create VSCode like editor on ESP32 based on Monaco editor.

Monaco editor

Connecting to WiFi...
Connected to WiFi
IP address:
SPIFFS mounted
Opening file: /Xtest.ts
{"action":"load","content":"console.log(\"Hi there!\");\n"}

How to use

  • Build firmware and upload them to the ESP32 - use PIO
  • Upload arduino-webserver -> data/ using pio run -t uploadfs
  • Open html-webserver -> index.html in browser (or serv them locally - http-server ./ ) and connect to the ESP32 (have to be configured WS address - webSocketAddress)

Known issues

  • server does not serve the editor page page - will be added later (or you can do it and create PR)
  • html-webserver that contains Monaco editor and TS Compiler is smaller than 4 MB - it will be possible to save them in SPIFFS on ESP32.