
Kiwi python weekend entry task

Primary LanguagePython


Kiwi_airports is command line program which gets UK airports from Skypicker's api (https://docs.kiwi.com/locations/).

Used version of python is 3.6.5

Required non-build-in libraries:

click (https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/)

Run the program

You can specify multiple option when running the program:

  • --help -print help message
  • --cities -print cities of airports
  • --coords -coordinates of each airport
  • --iata -IATA codes
  • --names -name of the airports
  • --full -print all above detail

When run without option, it will print name and IATA code. You can turn off printing IATA or name by specify option --no-iata or --no-name (--no-* option is available for all options)

$python kiwi_airports.py
$python kiwi_airports.py --help
$python kiwi_airports.py --full
$python kiwi_airports.py --cities --coords


Output is a list of dictionaries.