Built-in scale for the Rancilio Silvia espresso machine to measure weight of the extracted coffee and stop the extraction after the the predefined weight of coffee is poured into the cup.
Heart of the solution is the Wemos D1 mini board and two 1kg load cells with HX711 ADC convertors. Two SSR relays are utilized to turn on/off the solenoid valve and the pump.
To install the two 1kg load cells to the Silvia's frame, I used (this model)[ https://www.printables.com/model/897813-rancilio-silvia-loadcell-mount-slide-on-10mm-screw ].
Besides that, I designed and printed cases for other components that are available in the housing_models folder
When the module is connected to WiFi, there is a remote console available at the
http://<Device IP>/webserial url. The list of possible commands is provided when the help
command is sent there.