A narrator Web component, animating text in and out of view to create a cohesive timeline for presenting ideas and driving other visual component animations. The animated text is given a period of time to show on screen; hence this animation is termed "narration".
The component enlarges and highlights text/html as it's flowing in and out of the viewer's attention. As content flows in and out of the viewer's attention, events are triggered to let other portions of the Web page know where--in the timeline of all flows--the page's animations should be.
Each highlighted piece of text is called a "flow". "Flows" are organized into subsections and sections. The idea being that sections are enlarged to bring viewer's attention to all the "flows" it contains. As a timeline moves forward "flows" are highlighted, then subsequent sections with their flows, etc..
As each "flow" is highlighted it fires an event with it's "id".
The following capture is the component running from resources/pubic/index.html:
The component provides a play/pause button. All sections are clickable; a click jumps to the section's start time in the timeline and pauses the narration. The play/pause button can be clicked to resume the narration. As the play/pause state of narration changes, an event with the current flow's "id" and the current "playing" status is triggered.
If a section contains flows in subsections, the subsections' flows appear in sequence after all of the root sections flows finish "narrating".
Compnent registered as "narrator".
(The illustrator component is related to this one but without the play/pause functionality)
Each record in list defines a section. Each section is narrated in order.
A section can have a list of "flows". Each flow is narrated in order when section is being narrated. The time of narrating a section in seconds is defined by "seconds" attribute. The HTML to render for a flow is defined by "html". The "id" attribute is the "id" provided to "timeline" event triggered when flow starts narrating.
Note, a 0 "seconds" value is special and signals to skip the section to the next immediately upon selection: useful for heading etc.
A section can have subsections to be narrated after all flows for a section--if any--finish narrating. Subsection flows are identical to section flows.
While a section is being narrated all other sections are rendered at minimal font-size.
Wile a subsection is being narrated both the section and sub-section are rendered at maximum font-size.
Control pause state, "true" if narration should be paused, "false" if should be playing. Only takes effect when re-triggering narration.
To control trick play while narration occuring, do:
Go to start: kundel.narrator.goto_start(narrator);
Go to next section: kundel.narrator.goto_next(narrator);
Go to previous section: kundel.narrator.goto_previous(narrator);
Change the value of the trigger attribute to restart the narration.
kundel.narrator.changed(narrator, "trigger", null, new Date().getTime());
Passing a new Date
object to the attribute changed
method will restart narration.
Font size to render sections that are not currently being narrated.
Likely set in terms of vmin
units for font-size
Subsections that are not currently narrated are not visible.
Font size to render the currently narrated section and subsection, if any.
Hint text for "Next Slide".
Go to a specific section (by 'id') and pause narration--method only:
lein clean
lein figwheel dev
Figwheel will automatically push cljs changes to the browser.
Wait a bit, then browse to http://localhost:3449.
To compile clojurescript to javascript:
lein clean
lein cljsbuild once min
Our 'project.clj' sets up figwheel :nrepl-port to 7002.
Create remote REPL run configuration to
Once started paste the following in the IntelliJ REPL (Alt-8)
(use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
The dev build compiles unit tests.
To run them, start the REPL:
lein figwheel dev
In the REPL source the test runner and run the tests:
(in-ns 'kundel-runner')
(require '[kundel.runner :as t] :reload)
Icons by:
- see /licenses folder (https://www.flaticon.com)
- Daniele De Santis: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/daniele-de-santis
- Pixel Perfect: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pixel-perfect
- Smashicons: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons