
The newest and simplest version of the szark engine. Made with C++ and C#

Primary LanguageC#

Szark Game Engine

What is it?

Szark Game Engine is a GUI-less game engine created with C++ and C# which allows for a way to easily make visuals or games.

How to Install

  1. Grab the OpenAL Install: https://www.openal.org/downloads/
  2. Make sure you have .NET 5.0+ SDK Installed
  3. Download an Empty Project from the Releases Page


  • You can draw on the screen with the Canvas API
  • Importing and using images and audio files
  • Custom shaders for the screen
  • Math functions and structures


Currently there is no wiki, but looking at the examples and the source code can help you get started!

Basic Usage

This example is game about collecting coins until there are none left.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;

using Szark.Math;
using Szark.Graphics;
using Szark.Input;

namespace Example
    class ExampleGame : Szark.Game
        private Vec2 player;
        private readonly List<Vec2> coins = new List<Vec2>();
        private int coinsCollected;

        // We setup our window configuration in the base constructor
        public ExampleGame() : base("Example", 1280, 720, 8, false) { }

        // This method is called when the Game is created
        protected override void OnCreated()
            // Here we setup error logging
            ErrorRecieved += s => Console.WriteLine($"[Error]: {s}");

            // Spawn all the coins
            Random random = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < ScreenWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < ScreenHeight; j++)
                    if (random.Next(50) == 0) coins.Add(new Vec2(i, j));

        // This method is called once per frame
        protected override void OnRender(Canvas gfx, float deltaTime)
            // Clear the screen

            // Draw all the coins
            for (int i = 0; i < coins.Count; i++)
                // Check if player is in same position
                if (Vec2.Distance(player, coins[i]) < 1)

                gfx.Draw(coins[i], Color.Yellow);

            // Move the Player
            float speed = 50 * deltaTime;
            if (Keyboard[Key.W, Input.Hold]) player.Y -= speed;
            if (Keyboard[Key.S, Input.Hold]) player.Y += speed;
            if (Keyboard[Key.A, Input.Hold]) player.X -= speed;
            if (Keyboard[Key.D, Input.Hold]) player.X += speed;

            gfx.Draw(player, Color.Green); // Draw the player

            // Draw total coins collected
            gfx.DrawString(-1, 0, $"{coinsCollected}", Color.White, -1);

            // Win Text!
            if (coins.Count == 0)
                gfx.DrawString(20, 20, "You win!", Color.White);

        static void Main() => new ExampleGame().Run();



olcPixelGameEngine by [Javidx9]