
This Python script automates the process of importing CSV files into a PostgreSQL database. It reads the CSV files, infers the data types of each column, creates corresponding tables in the PostgreSQL database, and then inserts the data into these tables.


  • Python 3.x
  • Pandas
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Progress


Before running the script, ensure that you have the required Python libraries installed. You can install them using pip:

pip install pandas sqlalchemy progress


  • Place your CSV files in the data folder.
  • Update the TABLES list in the script with the names of your CSV files.
  • Set your database URL in the environment variable DATABASE_URL.


To run the script, execute the following command:

python path_to_script.py

Replace path_to_script.py with the actual path to the script if it's not in your current directory.

How It Works

  • Reading CSV: The script reads each CSV file from the specified list.
  • Inferring Data Types: Data types for each column in the CSV are inferred using Pandas.
  • Creating Tables: Corresponding tables with appropriate data types are created in the PostgreSQL database.
  • Inserting Data: Data from the CSV files are inserted into the created tables.


Modify the pandas_dtype_to_sql and pandas_dtype_to_sqlalchemy_type functions to handle additional data types or to change the data type mappings. Adjust the logging level or format as needed for your debugging purposes.

Important Notes

Ensure that your PostgreSQL database is accessible and that the DATABASE_URL is correctly set. The script currently handles common data types like object, float64, and int64. Additional data types may require extra handling. Large CSV files might take a significant amount of time to process and import.