Weather Data Server Kata

This project is designed to be a comprehensive programming kata across multiple languages, focusing on building a web server that serves weather data. It incorporates several key aspects of modern backend development, including web server creation, API interaction, database operations, authentication, and containerization.

Project Overview

Build a simple web server that:

  • Listens on a specified port.
  • Handles HTTP GET requests to fetch weather data for a specified city.
  • Incorporates user management and authentication.
  • Utilizes PostgreSQL for storing user data and optionally weather queries.
  • Is containerized for easy setup and deployment.


Core Features

  • Web Server & API: Setup a basic server with endpoints for user signup/login and fetching weather data.
  • Dynamic URL Parsing: Extract city names from the URL for the weather data endpoint.
  • Mock/External Weather API: Simulate or actually fetch weather data from an external source and return it as JSON.
  • JSON Response: Respond with weather data in a predefined JSON format.

Authentication & Security

  • User Signup/Login: Implement endpoints for user registration and authentication.
  • JWT Authentication: Secure the weather data endpoint with JWT tokens.
  • Password Hashing: Ensure passwords are securely stored.

Database Operations

  • PostgreSQL Integration: Connect to a PostgreSQL database for user management.
  • CRUD Operations: Implement basic CRUD operations for user data.


  • Containerize Application: Create a Dockerfile for the server.
  • Database Container: Use PostgreSQL as a Docker container.
  • Docker Compose: Setup Docker Compose to orchestrate the application and database containers.


  • Languages: Choose from Python, JavaScript (Node.js), Rust, C++, or Go.
  • Database: PostgreSQL.
  • Authentication: JWT for token generation and verification.
  • Containerization: Docker and Docker Compose for deployment.

Expected JSON Response Format

  "city": "CityName",
  "temperature": "22°C",
  "condition": "Sunny",
  "humidity": "55%"

Additional Challenges

  • Implement caching for weather data to reduce API calls.
  • Add more detailed error handling and logging.
  • Expand the user model to include more details and possibly user preferences for weather data.

Project Structure

  • POST /signup: User registration endpoint.
  • POST /login: User login endpoint, returns JWT.
  • GET /weather/{city}: Protected endpoint to fetch weather data, requires JWT.