
☄️ LiteCommands - Annotation based Command framework for Velocity, Bukkit, Paper, BungeeCord, Minestom and your other implementations.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Command framework for Velocity, Bukkit, Paper, BungeeCord and your other implementations.

Helpful links:

Panda Repository (Maven or Gradle) ❤️

maven { url "https://repo.panda-lang.org/releases" }

Dependencies (Maven or Gradle)

Framework Core

implementation 'dev.rollczi.litecommands:core:2.8.9'

First Simple Command

/helloworld <text...>
/helloworld other-solution <text...>
/helloworld subcommand <text>

@Route(name = "helloworld")
public class HelloWorldCommand {

    public void command(LiteSender sender, @Args String[] args) {
        sender.sendMessage(String.join(" ", args));

    @Execute(route = "other-solution")
    public void otherSolution(LiteSender sender, @Joiner String text) {

    @Execute(route = "subcommand")
    public void subcommand(LiteSender sender, @Arg String text) {


Register your first command in plugin main class: (in this case for Velocity)


Velocity Extension Dependencies (Maven or Gradle)

Add this to your dependencies if you want use ready-made implementation for velocity.

implementation 'dev.rollczi.litecommands:velocity:2.8.9'

Add -parameters to your compiler to use all features of LiteCommands

tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
    options.compilerArgs << "-parameters"
tasks.withType<JavaCompile> {

All extensions:

Other examples:

See (Important dependencies used)

Plugins that use LiteCommands: