##Read Me
Read Me is the best new way to find books and track your books. With Read Me, users can search for books by author, by title, or by both title and author. Users have a list of books and can add books to this list or remove them from this list. Users can also see details of a book.
#How to use Read Me To use Read Me, in your terminal navigate to the back end and run the following. -bundle install -rails db:migrate -rails s
Navigate to the front end and run the following. -npm i && npm start
Your computer will try to run the frontend and the backend on the same port. To remedy this, you can specify a port in your terminal. After entering npm start, your terminal should ask you if you want to run the frontend on another port. Simply entering y in response to this prompt is sufficient.
#Deployed version -To use the deployed version of this program, visit http://read-me-books.herokuapp.com/