
Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 5 12 28 PM


GPT-Crawler-UI is a web-based interface for the GPT-Crawler, originally developed by BuilderIO. This project extends the functionality of the original GPT-Crawler by providing a user-friendly web interface, allowing users to easily interact with the crawler without delving into command-line operations.

The original GPT-Crawler can be found here: BuilderIO/gpt-crawler.


The GPT-Crawler-UI consists of two main components:

  1. Frontend: A React-based user interface that allows users to input their crawling parameters and view the results in a structured format.

  2. Backend: An Express server that handles requests from the frontend, executes the crawling process, and returns the results. The server is designed to restart after each request to ensure a fresh state for every operation.


  • Built with Express and integrates the PlaywrightCrawler from Crawlee.
  • Handles the crawling logic and data processing.
  • The server is designed to restart after each request, ensuring that each crawl starts with a clean state.


Due to the nature of the crawling process and the need to maintain a clean state, the server is set up to restart after each request. This design choice may affect performance and should be considered when deploying the application in a production environment.

Getting Started

To get started with GPT-Crawler-UI:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd gpt-crawler-ui
    pnpm i
  3. Start the server and frontend:

    pnpm dev


If you have a suggestion that would make this better, send a PR!


  • Special thanks to BuilderIO for the original GPT-Crawler which inspired this project.