Pinned Repositories
Embark on an engaging project that seamlessly combines the tech-driven realms of web scraping, ETL , and insightful EDA. Dive into the Apple ecosystem as you leverage these techniques to uncover hidden gems, transform raw data into meaningful insights, and create an immersive experience at the intersection of data exploration.
Belly Button Biodiversity Dashboard is an open-source interactive dashboard that visualizes the Belly Button Biodiversity dataset. Built with JavaScript, D3.js, Plotly.js, HTML, and CSS, the dashboard features a dropdown menu, horizontal bar chart, bubble chart, demographic information display, and optional gauge chart.
Predicting the success of funding applicants for a charitable organization using machine learning and predictive modeling. The project involves creating a binary classification model using deep learning techniques.
New York CitiBikes is an open-source project where interactive visualizations and maps will be implemented to show insights from the Citi bike data. Here the meaningful insights from the data revealed using Tableau public.
Climate analysis and data exploration of a climate database. This analysis aims to provide insights into the climate patterns of Honolulu and inform decisions regarding the best time to visit and what activities to plan.
Builded an ETL pipeline using Python, Pandas, Python dictionary methods and regular expressions to ETL data. It involves extracting data from multiple sources, cleaning and transforming the data using Jupyter Notebook with pandas, numpy, and datetime packages, and loading the cleaned data into a relational database using pgAdmin
The SQL project involved designing tables to hold data from six CSV files, creating a table schema for each file, importing the data into SQL tables, and performing data analysis. The analysis involved answering various questions about the data, such as listing employee information.
Forecasting house prices using machine learning and deep learning techniques for accurate predictions. This project involves creating a regression model to forecast house prices based on various features.
Our analysis delves into a comprehensive examination of stroke data to better understand its risk factors and implications for healthcare. Stroke data analysis serves as a valuable tool for identifying potential risk factors, developing preventive strategies, and enhancing patient care.
JaleesMoeen's Repositories
Embark on an engaging project that seamlessly combines the tech-driven realms of web scraping, ETL , and insightful EDA. Dive into the Apple ecosystem as you leverage these techniques to uncover hidden gems, transform raw data into meaningful insights, and create an immersive experience at the intersection of data exploration.
New York CitiBikes is an open-source project where interactive visualizations and maps will be implemented to show insights from the Citi bike data. Here the meaningful insights from the data revealed using Tableau public.
Builded an ETL pipeline using Python, Pandas, Python dictionary methods and regular expressions to ETL data. It involves extracting data from multiple sources, cleaning and transforming the data using Jupyter Notebook with pandas, numpy, and datetime packages, and loading the cleaned data into a relational database using pgAdmin
Our analysis delves into a comprehensive examination of stroke data to better understand its risk factors and implications for healthcare. Stroke data analysis serves as a valuable tool for identifying potential risk factors, developing preventive strategies, and enhancing patient care.
Belly Button Biodiversity Dashboard is an open-source interactive dashboard that visualizes the Belly Button Biodiversity dataset. Built with JavaScript, D3.js, Plotly.js, HTML, and CSS, the dashboard features a dropdown menu, horizontal bar chart, bubble chart, demographic information display, and optional gauge chart.
Predicting the success of funding applicants for a charitable organization using machine learning and predictive modeling. The project involves creating a binary classification model using deep learning techniques.
Climate analysis and data exploration of a climate database. This analysis aims to provide insights into the climate patterns of Honolulu and inform decisions regarding the best time to visit and what activities to plan.
About Credit risk poses a classification problem that’s inherently imbalanced. Using a dataset of historical lending activity from a peer-to-peer lending services company, build a model that can identify the creditworthiness of borrowers.
The SQL project involved designing tables to hold data from six CSV files, creating a table schema for each file, importing the data into SQL tables, and performing data analysis. The analysis involved answering various questions about the data, such as listing employee information.
Forecasting house prices using machine learning and deep learning techniques for accurate predictions. This project involves creating a regression model to forecast house prices based on various features.
The Crowdfunding-Analysis with Excel project analyzes 1,000 crowdfunding projects and concludes that the US, theater, film and video, and music industries have the most campaigns, with a success rate of 50-60%. The dataset lacks some key data points such as gender and age of backers and distribution of campaigns across different US states.
Cryptocurrency clustering is the process of categorizing cryptocurrencies into groups based on shared characteristics or features, aiming to reveal patterns and similarities within the cryptocurrency market.
My Dice Game Files
This project demonstrated the usage of SparkSQL to read, query, cache, and analyze home sales data, providing insights into average prices based on various criteria.
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City School Analysis
Python Scripts for PyBank & PyPoll
Rockstar Drum Kit
The study involved treating 249 mice with SCC tumors using a range of drug regimens, including Pymaceuticals' drug of interest, Capomulin. Over 45 days, tumor development was observed and measured to compare the performance of Capomulin against other treatments .My task was to generate tables and figures for the technical report of the study
The goal is to help the editors of a food magazine, Eat Safe, Love, to evaluate the data and assist their journalists and food critics in deciding where to focus future articles. The project aims to provide insights into the ratings data to identify establishments that meet the magazine's criteria for featuring in their articles.
USGS Earthquake Visualization is an open-source project that provides an interactive map to visualize earthquake data collected by the USGS, highlighting the relationship between tectonic plates and seismic activity. Built with JavaScript, Leaflet.js, D3.js, HTML, and CSS, the project is available on GitHub under the MIT License.
This project involved using Python and an API to investigate weather trends near the equator by collecting and analyzing weather data. The analysis helped to draw conclusions and provide insights into the factors affecting weather trends in this region.
Mission to Mars Web Scraping & Data Analysis with Beautiful Soup. Hey, let's explore the data with web scrapping and analyze the data using Beautiful soup and Pandas Python Data Analysis.