
This Ruby Sinatra web skeleton was re-furbished for rapid prototyping a web API before deploying to rails server. It's referenced from Rails file structure with mild tweaking and CodeDivision Sinatra skeleton.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

#Sinatra Web Server

Repo details

Re-created by: Holloway, Chew Kean Ho
Version: 0.0.4
Contribution: Hobby. Best effort basis.


This Ruby Sinatra web skeleton was re-furbished for rapid prototyping a web API before deploying to rails server. It's referenced from Rails file structure with mild tweaking and CodeDivision Sinatra skeleton.


  1. Local Support
  2. Heroku Support - using PUMA

NOTE: This guide assumes you are good with Ruby, Heroku and understands MVC architecture patterns.

Common Setup

  1. Perform a git clone to this repo using the following link:
# http

# ssh
  1. Rename the skeleton if needed
$ mv sinatra-web-server <your-desired-app-name>
  1. Enter into the skeleton and perform bundle install
$ cd <your-desired-app-name>
$ bundle install  
# Open issue in this github repo if any issue
  1. Perform a short test by launching the server
$ rake server
  1. Hooray! You may now begin your code development.

How To Use

The skeleton is primarily based on Rails file structure with focus towards MVC architectural pattern. However, unlike Rails, this skeleton is to provide more structural freedom for you to prototype or to bootstrap and idea quickly. The flexibility is up to deploying the app in Heroku.

To Launch the Server

Rakefile has a simplified command for launching the server in development mode. To perform, execute:

$ rake server

To Include/Remove a Gem

  1. Include/remove your gem inside Gemfile depending on group. Please note that Heroku will use production only.
# File location: <repo_root>\Gemfile
  1. Perform bundle install
$ bundle install
  1. Head to config\environments\init.rb to ensure your require is aligned to your adjustment.
# Perform requiring gem that we need
	# basic
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])
require 'pathname'

	# database
require 'pg'
require 'active_record'
require 'logger'

	# sinatra
require 'sinatra'
require "sinatra/reloader" if development?

	# embedded ruby
require 'erb'
require 'uri'

	# Additional Gem includes after this comments
  1. Done. You're ready.

To Create Controller

You can create a controller ruby file inside app/controllers manually. As long as there is no conflicted routes, you can create many controller files. Sinatra go through each controller file and compile all available route.

In this example, let's create 'sessions' routing:

# app/controllers/users.rb

get '/signup' do
	erb :'users/new'

post '/signup' do
	# Do something processing with user input
	redirect to '/user/dashboard'

get '/user/dashboard' do
	erb :dashboard

### To Create Views You can create a view erb file inside **app/views** manually. This framework uses erb gem to generate the view. Views can be created in full-form or partial-form. Examples, #### To create simple erb view file: ``` # app/views/root.erb

This is root page

... # To route it, use ' erb :root ' in controller ``` #### To create erb view file inside a sub-folder: ``` # app/views/users/new.erb

This is signup page

... # To route it, use ' erb :"users/new" ' in controller ``` #### To create partial erb view file: ``` # app/views/partials/form.erb

This is partial forms for AJAX calls


To use it in existing view .erb file, example:

# in app/views/users/new.erb
<h2> User Data </h2>
<%= erb :"partial/form" %>

### To Create Model
Model creation is supported by Rakefile. To create, simply execute:

$ rake generate:model NAME=<singular_model_name>

> Due to maintaining structural freedom, rake will only create model file and **not** with database migration file. You're expected to handle database migration file separately.


### To Create Helper
Helper file can be created inside **app/helpers** manually and at will. To ensure the functions are working in the helpers, any helper file should has the helpers loop. Example:


helpers do # for repetitive in html view def em(param) ... end

# for repetitive math calculation
def calculate_square(param)
	param * param

# More repetitive functions


Any function within helpers loop can be called directly like a Ruby modules' methods. Example:


post '/' do calculate_square(params[:input]) end


... <%= em("String") %> ... ``` More information can be found here: http://www.sinatrarb.com/faq.html#helpview

To Create Database

Database creation is supported by Rakefile. To create, execute:

$ rake db:create

To Create Database Migration File

Database migration file creation is supported by Rakefile. To create, execute:

$ rake generate:migration NAME=<filename>

REMEMBER: ------be careful with ActiveRecord naming convention especially singular/plural!

To Perform Database Migration

Database migration is supported by Rakefile. To perform, execute:

$ rake db:migrate

To Drop Database

Database migration is supported by Rakefile. To perform, execute:

$ rake db:drop

To Seed Data into Database

Database data seeding is supported by Rakefile. To perform, execute:

$ rake db:seed

To View Current Database Migration Version

Database current migration version view is supported by Rakefile. To perform, execute:

$ rake db:version

To Push to Heroku

NOTE: This section assumes you have Heroku Toolbelt installed inside your local computer.

  1. Login into your Heroku
$ heroku login

2) Inside your code repo, create a Heroku app: ``` $ heroku create ```
3) Rename your Heroku app if needed: ``` $ heroku apps:rename new-name ```
4) Push to heroku server ``` $ git push heroku master ```
5) Skip this step if you're not pushing the app for the first time. Otherwise if you're using database, create the database by: ``` $ heroku run rake db:create ```
6) Perform database migration if you're using database ``` $ heroku run rake db:migrate ```

Looking for more Heroku Toolbelt Commands

Please refer to: https://devcenter.heroku.com/categories/command-line

Special Thanks

  1. CodeDivision for their code bootcamp training.
  2. Josh who motivated me to re-code this framework.
  3. All friends and teams in CodeDivision.


  1. http://www.blacktm.com/talks/building_web_apps_with_rack_and_sinatra/#simple_rack
  2. http://www.sinatrarb.com/intro.html#Environments
  3. http://nycda.com/blog/integrating-activerecord-into-a-sinatra-project/
  4. http://rake.rubyforge.org/
  5. http://recipes.sinatrarb.com/p/development/bundler
  6. https://robots.thoughtbot.com/test-rake-tasks-like-a-boss
  7. http://apidock.com/rails/String/singularize
  8. http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-integrate-rspec-into-a-sinatra-app--net-21564
  9. http://www.millwoodonline.co.uk/blog/mini-minitest-tutorial
  10. http://www.sinatrarb.com/configuration.html
  11. https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-ruby-o
  12. https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/deploying-rails-applications-with-the-puma-web-server
  13. https://blog.codeship.com/puma-vs-unicorn/
  14. https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-rails3
  15. http://www.getlaura.com/how-to-enable-sessions-with-sinatra/
  16. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5693528/how-to-use-sinatra-session