
Project of school 42

Primary LanguageC


Push_swap is a sorting algorithm project at 42 School that involves sorting a stack of integers using only two stacks and a set of predefined operations. The goal of this project is to sort a given stack of integers in ascending order with the lowest number of operations possible.


To compile the push_swap program, navigate to the root directory of the project and run make. This will compile the push_swap executable.


The push_swap program takes a list of integers as arguments and outputs the list of operations needed to sort the stack in ascending order.

Usage: ./push_swap [list of integers]

Example: ./push_swap 4 67 3 87 23


The operations that can be used are:

  • sa swap the first two elements at the top of stack a
  • sb swap the first two elements at the top of stack b
  • ss do sa and sb at the same time
  • pa take the first element from the top of stack b and put it at the top of stack a
  • pb take the first element from the top of stack a and put it at the top of stack b
  • ra rotate stack a (move the first element to the end of the stack)
  • rb rotate stack b (move the first element to the end of the stack)
  • rr do ra and rb at the same time
  • rra reverse rotate stack a (move the last element to the top of the stack)
  • rrb reverse rotate stack b (move the last element to the top of the stack)
  • rrr do rra and rrb at the same time Each operation should be followed by a new line character.


You can find the visualizer I used here