
game-app is a web application to watch, create, update and delete our favorites games and comment these

Primary LanguageJava

POC (springboot-react-keycloak-oauth2.0-pkce-hexagonal-architecture)

The goal of this project is to secure game-app using Keycloak(with PKCE). game-app consists of two applications: one is a Spring Boot Rest API called game-api and another is a ReactJS application called game-web.


game-app is a web application to watch, create, update and delete our favorites games and comment these, we have three types of roles:

  • ADMIN: They can watch, create, update, and delete games also they can comment on games and watch his profile.
  • USER: They can watch the games, they can comment on games and watch his profile.
  • NON-REGISTER-USER: They just can watch the existing games.


  • game-api

    Spring Boot Web Java backend application that exposes a REST API to manage games. Its secured endpoints can just be accessed if an access token (JWT) issued by Keycloak is provided. It's implementing

    game-api is implemented using the hexagonal architecture

    game-api stores its data in a MySQL database.

    game-api has the following endpoints

    Endpoint Secured Roles
    GET /api/games No
    GET /api/games/{id} No
    POST /api/games Yes ADMIN
    PUT /api/games Yes ADMIN
    DELETE /api/games Yes ADMIN
    GET /api/users Yes ADMIN and USER
    POST /api/games/*/comments Yes ADMIN and USER
  • game-ui

    ReactJS frontend application where users can watch and comment on games and admins can manage games. In order to access the application, user / admin must login using his/her username and password. Those credentials are handled by Keycloak. All the requests coming from game-ui to secured endpoints in game-api have a access token (JWT) that is generated when user / admin logs in.

    game-ui uses Semantic UI React as CSS-styled framework.


Start Environment

  • If you are using XAMPP, first create a database in phpMyAdmin with a name

  • To run docker type this command in a terminal

    docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin --name keycloak quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:21.0.0 start-dev
  • Once the container is up enter to keycloak

  • and there create the Realm: world-game-app

  • in the Realm settings go to Login options and enable the User Registration switch

  • then create Client: game-app

  • config the Client:keycloak client configuration

  • create the Client Roles: ADMIN and USER

  • finally in the Realm roles options set the default roles up with the USER role

The application ports

Application ports
movie-api 9090
movie-ui 3000
Keycloak 8080
MySQL 3306

Running game-app

  • game-api

    • Run the SpringSecurityApplication.java
  • game-ui

    • Open a terminal and navigate to game-ui folder

    • Run the command below if you are running the application for the first time

      npm install
    • Run the npm command below to start the application

      npm start