A code to link Seiscomp3 and KIWI for automatic source analysis

Primary LanguagePython


A Bash code to link Seiscomp3 to KIWI tools for automatic (Online) source analysis.


  • Seiscomp3, KIWI, Pyrocko, GMT 5


Create these directories in the KIWISC3 main directory:

1- GFDB = put your Greens Functions in this Folder

2- RESP = Put your Response files in this Folder


  • Set the Proper Paths in both main codes.

  • You may need to alter the code (Source_Analysis lines 134 - 156) to define your own GFDB's in specific conditions.

  • Response files must be stored in RESP.$NET.$STA.$LOC.$CHAN name format.

  • Read the README file in RESULTS/SUMMARY/Map_All dir.

This Readme file is incomplete. Contact me for more details.