- 1
18. As a Teacher OR Support Professional, I want to upload the recordings of students sent by their parents. The recording has to be associated to a text given by the tutor.
#47 opened by aianshay - 1
12. As a Teacher OR Support, I want to remove a student/patient if he/she won't use the app anymore.
#15 opened by VitorCantao - 1
26. As a Teacher, I want to be able to generate a students personal report of a text after I indicate the mistakes he/she made, so I can analyze that students performance.
#27 opened by VitorCantao - 0
20. As a Teacher, I want to indicate on the text the mistaken words by the students (and add a description), so they can practice these words more.
#22 opened by VitorCantao - 1
10. As a Teacher or Support Professional, I want to create/read/update a text without lenght restriction, so my students/patients can read them.
#18 opened by VitorCantao - 0
21. As a Teacher OR Support Professional, I want to listen to the recordings of my students.
#23 opened by VitorCantao - 0
11. As a Teacher, I want to create/read/update a student with his/her name, class and age
#14 opened by VitorCantao - 1
- 0
27. As a Support Professional I want to be able to read a report about a student's fluency in a specific text, so I can see how the students are doing.
#29 opened by VitorCantao - 0
- 0
- 1
1. As a Teacher, I want to create/read/update classes with ids (number, letter or code) and grade (7th grade, 8th grade)
#9 opened by VitorCantao - 1
- 0
33. As a User, I want to see statistics about the student's reading, like total reading time, number of words read per minute, number of correct words read per minute and number of words mispelled.
#39 opened by renan-cunha - 0
23. As a Teacher, Researcher OR Supporting Professional, I want to have access (read) to the classes Z-Score data, so I can analyze them afterwards.
#25 opened by VitorCantao - 0
- 0
24. As a Support Professional, I want to create/read/update a patient account with his/her name and age, so I can store their data in the app.
#146 opened by Arouck - 0
3. As a Teacher, I want to add/edit data about the school when I am creating or updating a class (data such as name, state, city, neighbourhood, zip code and if it's public or private).
#46 opened by aianshay - 0
- 0
19. As a Teacher OR Support I want to delete the recordings from my students if they are no longer necessary.
#21 opened by VitorCantao - 0
17. As a Teacher OR Support Professional, I want to be able to share the text via e-mail or via social media with my students' parents.
#49 opened by aianshay - 0
16. As a Support Professional, I want assign a text to an individual student, without the need of a class, so I can understand the special needs of this student.
#52 opened by aianshay - 0
14. As a Teacher or Support Professional, I want to be able to delete a text when it is no longer needed.
#38 opened by renan-cunha - 0
37. As a Researcher, I need an authorization of the lead reaseachers (from UnB).
#108 opened by renan-cunha - 0
38. As a Support Professional. I want to be able to group my patients by age and grade to compare their statistics.
#139 opened by renan-cunha - 0
39. I want to add the recommended grade in text. So I can know which grade the text is recommended.
#140 opened by renan-cunha - 0
43. As a Support Professional. I want to access the statistics about a classroom. So I can see their progress.
#144 opened by renan-cunha - 0
42. As a Teacher or Support Professional. I want to know the date when the text was assigned for a classroom or a student. So I can have an idea of how long it was.
#143 opened by renan-cunha - 0
41. As a Teacher or Support Professional. I want to add a commentary about a correction.
#142 opened by renan-cunha - 0
40. I want to share texts with other users
#141 opened by renan-cunha - 0
- 0
29. As a Teacher OR Support, I want to remove a multiple choice question related to a text, without affecting the text, if the question is not needed.
#31 opened by VitorCantao - 0
4. As a Teacher, I want to be able to indicate that my class is composed just of disabled students.
#45 opened by aianshay - 0
9. As a user without internet (guest), I want to create an account later when I get internet connection, with the data I had locally.
#57 opened by aianshay - 0
13. As a Teacher OR Support Professional, I want to be able to indicate if my student/patient has some diagnostic
#50 opened by aianshay - 0
34. As a user, I want to be able to choose the language of the app to english or portuguese.
#51 opened by aianshay - 0
8. As a user without internet (guest), I want to create my account locally so I can use the app with my students/patients.
#56 opened by aianshay - 0
25. As a Researcher, I want to be able to include data of disabled students for the Z-Score calculus, but I want that removed by default, so I can see how the value behaves.
#54 opened by aianshay - 0
31. As a Teacher, I want to have access to my classes comparative reports, so I can analyze them.
#34 opened by VitorCantao - 0
32. As a Researcher, I want to have access to the comparative reports of all classes, so I can analyze them.
#35 opened by VitorCantao - 0
- 0
30. As a Teacher OR Support Professional, I want to visualize the score of multiple choice questions to see the student's understanding of the text.
#32 opened by VitorCantao - 0
28. As a Teacher OR Support Professional, I want to create/update multiple choice questions from a text, so I can test the student's understanding of the text.
#30 opened by VitorCantao - 0
36. As a Teacher OR Support Professional, I want to record my student's voice while they are reading, so I can evaluate them afterwards.
#20 opened by VitorCantao - 0
Architecture Design
#7 opened by renan-cunha - 0
7. As a user, I want to be able to have all my information synchronized regardless of where I log in, just in case I change or lost my phone.
#13 opened by VitorCantao - 0
Learn Scrum (30m)
#36 opened by renan-cunha - 0
Learn about functional tests
#37 opened by renan-cunha - 0
Setup CI
#41 opened by renan-cunha - 2
User Stories
#6 opened by renan-cunha