
Task for front end developer role.

Primary LanguageHTML

PawSquad - Front End Developer Task

This repo contains the submission of my developer task for a front-end-developer position at PawSquad.

A online version of this task can also be found at http://pawsquad.jamesbovis.com

Getting started

To clone this repo, run git clone https://github.com/James-Bovis/PawSquad-Task.git into your terminal.

When the project has been downloaded, move into the folder by typing cd PawSquad-Task. Now, once your in the PawSquad-Task folder, type npm install into the terminal to download the dependencies.

Once finished, typing gulp will fire up a local web-server, compile the SCSS stylesheets and open up a new browser window serving the files from the build folder. Any changes that are made to both the index.html and any of the SCSS files, the browser window will be refreshed automatically.

To produce the production folder dist simply run gulp build and the process should start running. This process compresses the images, copies over the other files and prepares them for production.

Other tasks

gulp clean:dist - This will delete everything in the "dist" folder

gulp images - This will optimize all of the imagery in the "img" folder

gulp copy-index - This will copy the "index.html" file into the "dist" folder

gulp copy-audio - This will copy audio files into the "dist" folder

gulp copy-css - This will copy the "style.css" file into the "dist" folder


If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at hello@jamesbovis.com.

Thanks, James