
A collection of shell scripts to ease the use of i3wm

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

i3ass - i3 assistance scripts

This is a collection of scripts I have made to assist the usage of the windowmanager known as i3wm.



If you are using Arch linux, you can install the i3ass package from AUR.

Or follow the instructions below to install from source:

(configure the installation destination in the Makefile, if needed)

$ git clone https://github.com/budlabs/i3ass.git
$ cd i3ass
# make install
$ i3ass
i3ass - version: 0.002
updated: 2018-10-18 by budRich

script   | version
i3viswiz | 0.006
i3get    | 0.302
i3var    | 0.006
i3fyra   | 0.501
i3list   | 0.006
i3flip   | 0.013
i3Kornhe | 0.006
i3gw     | 0.147
i3run    | 0.011

bash      [INSTALLED]
gawk      [INSTALLED]
sed       [INSTALLED]
xdotool   [INSTALLED]

All the scripts that will be installed are located in the src directory of this repo, so you can also just add that directory or the scripts to your $PATH.

There is no oneline way to describe what i3ass does. And some of the scripts are rather complex. The links in the table below, will take you to the wiki page for the script.

file function
i3flip Tabswitching done right
i3fyra An advanced, simple grid-based tiling layout
i3get prints info about a specific window to stdout
i3gw a ghost window wrapper for i3wm
i3Kornhe move and resize windows gracefully
i3list list information about the current i3 session.
i3menu Adds more features to rofi when used in i3wm
i3run Run, Raise or hide windows in i3wm
i3var Set or get a i3 variable
i3viswiz Professional window focus for i3wm


Execute a script with the --help flag to display help about the command.

i3get --help display i3get help
i3get --version display i3get version
man i3get show i3get man page
i3ass show version info for all scripts and dependencies.



We now use the output of i3viswiz instead of a custom AWK script. This made everything more reliable and --move function now works as expected in all types of layouts, (not just tabbed and stacked as before). Also added --json, --verbose and --dryrun options.

Now keeps track of the virtual position of a window. What this means is that if you have the following window rule defined in your i3 config file:

for_window [instance=irssi class=URxvt] focus;exec --no-startup-id i3fyra --move A

And spawn a window matching the criteria it will get moved to the A container, which by default is the top-left container.


Just as before the containers can be toggled and swapped by using i3fyra --move DIRECTION (where direction is up,down,left or right). And if the A container would have focus, and we execute --move left it would hide the B and D containers:


If we in this state would execute --move right (while the A container is focused), it would move the A and C container to the right and show the B and D containers to the left, but i3fyra will also internally rename all the containers:


This used to mean that if we now would spawn a window matching our previously defined window rule, it would still get placed in the top-left container. This is where things are different now. In i3list there are four new keys, [VPA],[VPB],[VPC] and [VPD] which contains a number between zero and three (0-3). If i3list would get executed with the scenario above we would get the following results:


the integers corresponds to the index of the hypothetical array a=([0]=A [1]=B [2]=C [3]=D), and with this information we can see that when we want to send a window to container A, we test the virtual position, and see that A is positioned at 1 (B), be placed in B instead. In most cases this is the desired result, but sometimes it isn't, and for those cases one can use the --force option (which is new) to ignore the virtual positions. But this is probably nothing that anyone needs to worry about, and is more or less only used internally in i3fyra, i3menu and i3run. This transformation to virtual positions of the containers also works with the --layout option.

A lot of performance and stability improvements has been done in this update, and toggling layouts and containers now works much better and predictable.

Removed --target option. I found myself never using and it just created awkward cornercase issues.

Added --force, --array, --verbose and --dryrun options.

Now uses one (well, sometimes two ;) single regular expression test in bash instead of parsing the json with awk, this made the script twice as fast and also, imo, easier to maintain and extend. I also added two new --print options, s for sticky status, and e for fullscreen status. But the most important change is done to the --synk functionality, which now uses i3-msg -t subscribe instead of a while true; do sleep 10 ..., and it makes everything much more responsive while at the same time being so much more efficient and nice on system recourses. Some output is different for example "marks" will now print the whole JSON list (["mark1","mark2"...]), previous behavior was to only show the first mark unqouted. If no value is found for a requested output (--print) a line looking like:
--i3get could not find: m
will be printed, previous behavior was to skip the line i think this new behavior is better especially if one relies on the order of the output lines.

fixed typo related issue that caused windows not being moved correctly. All types of containers are now resized and moved in pixel (px) unit. When i3fyra is executed from this script, the --array option is used.

No big changes to the script. Added --json options and watch script to help testing and development. As well as a few new keys to the output array:

i3list["XAB"] # family AB workspace
i3list["XAC"] # family AC workspace
i3list["XCD"] # family CD workspace
i3list["XBD"] # family BD workspace

i3list["VPA"] # virtual position A
i3list["VPB"] # virtual position B
i3list["VPC"] # virtual position C
i3list["VPD"] # virtual position D

Added support for i3fyras virtual positions.

Only change since last version is to use i3fyra --force --array ARRAY to override the new virtual positions which are not needed with i3run because it already figures out the correct container.

Support for --json option. A lot more information is printed to the first line, to make things easier for i3fyra and i3flip.



  • added sleep .05 before reading from STDIN. Hopefully fixes issue with list not getting populated.

  • Added XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable default.


  • added --force and --FORCE options. When enabled command will get executed even if the window exist.

known issues

i3-msg restart breaks i3fyra, try to use i3-msg reload instead (it's faster and usually works just as good as restart).


i3ass is licensed with the MIT license