
Snarf appointment data from a selection of a user's Google calendars

Primary LanguagePythonArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


Snarf appointment data from a selection of a user's Google calendars

What is here

I've provided code for the authorization (oauth2) protocol for Google calendars. There is also a picker for a date range.

What you'll add

You'll need to read the Google developer documentation to learn how to obtain information from the Google Calendar service.

Your application should allow the user to choose calendars (a single user may have several Google calendars, one of which is the 'primary' calendar) and list 'blocking' (non-transparent) appointments between a start date and an end date for some subset of them.


You'll need a 'client secret' file of your own. It should not be under GIT control. This is kind of a developer key, which you need to obtain from Google. See https://auth0.com/docs/connections/social/google and https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2 . The applicable scenario for us is 'Web server applications' (since we're doing this in Flask).

Your client secret will have to be registered for the URLs used for the oauth2 'callback' in the authorization protocol. This URL includes the port on which your application is running, so you you will need to use the same port each time you run your application. I suggest you generate one random port in the range 5000-8000 and stick with it for the remainder of the term (unless someone else randomly draws the same port).

More about the client secret file is described in our Piazza group.

Whether or not you already have a Google calendar, it's a good idea to create one or two 'test' calendars with a known set of appointments for testing.