
My First React Router app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My First React Router app that has multiple screens

Source Controll

- git add .
- git commit -m "Update & Changes Made"
- git push

Create a Vite/React App

- npm create vite@latest
- Project Name : vite-porject
- Framework : React
- Variant : Javascript

Build a Vite/React app

- cd vite-project
- npm install

Start a local Server

- npm run dev

Remove Template Data

- delete all the template data

Install React Router

- cd vite-project
- npm install react-router-dom

Creating App component

- Make sure all components are like this to start
    const App = () => {
        return (
    export default App;

Adding Route's elements in App.jsx

- Add import's to App.jsx
    + import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";
    + import Navbar from "./components/NavBar";
    + import Landing from "./pages/Landing/Landing";
    + import About from "./pages/About/About";
    + import Skills from "./pages/Skills/Skills";
    + import Projects from "./pages/Projects/Projects";
    + import Contact from "./pages/Contact/Contact";

Implimenting Browser Router in App.jsx

- Wrap Navigation & Routes, then Wrap Route in Routes
    + <BrowserRouter>
        + <Navbar />
        + <Routes>
            + <Route />
            + <Route />
            + <Route />
            + <Route />
            + <Route />
        + </Routes>
    + </BrowserRouter>

Adding Routes props

- Each Route has:
    + path='/page'
    + element={<component />}

- The landing Route has:
    + exact="true"
    + path='/'
    + element={<component />}

Added a cool logo to go back to landing screen

- Just did this to make the template file a little more detailed

Learning Animations

starting to learn the animations for the react/vite app

AOS | Animate On Scroll

- on the website there are examples to use for your own animations
- npm install AOS
- go to app.jsx add aos imports and init it
- remember to have imports in app.jsx

Framer Motion | Installation

- npm install framer-motion

Framer Motion | Importing

- import { motion } from "framer-motion"
- import { useAnimation } from "framer-motion"

Framer Motion | Use

When using the wrapper divs are motion component - <motion.div></motion.div> - divs go from blue to green - they all have props & the props are before the classname + give it an initial value ( initial={{ x: "-100rem" }} ) + give it an animation of ( animate={{ x: "0" }}) + give it a transition of ( transition={{ duration: 1 }} ) - initial and animate are like key frames - the way to add life to them is with the duration prop

Framer Motion | Extra

- transition has many props
    + add them like how you do the duration

UseEffect | About

Use effect allows you to controll animations

UseEffect | Import

- import { useEffect } from "react"
- also add the framer motion useEffect to framer motion import

UseEffect | Use

- initialize it above the return statement of the react component
    + const controls = useAnimation();
- set the animated div/image to have an animate prop
- have the value be the controls const