
it's an easy and simple way to integrate azure active directory login with laravel auth

Primary LanguagePHP

Azure Active Directory Auth for Laravel

it's an easy and simple way to integrate azure active directory login with Laravel auth. this package replaces the default login/registration logic with OAuth2 and adds a user authenticity check with your Azure AD.

you can activate or deactivate this package without losing any Laravel Auth default functionality.


  • This package uses Laravel default auth, if you don't have it, please refer to this documentation
  • you need to have "name, email, password" field on your "Users" database table

Use the package manager composer to install azure-ad-auth.

composer require james-machouk/azure-ad-auth


publish the package with artisan

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JamesMachouk\azureAdAuth\AzureAdAuthServiceProvider"

add this lines to you .env file

AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID="your ad tenant id"
OAUTH_APP_ID="your app id"
OAUTH_APP_PASSWORD="your app password"
OAUTH_SCOPES='openid profile offline_access user.read calendars.read'
  • AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID / OAUTH_APP_ID / OAUTH_APP_PASSWORD : you'll find all this params in you Azure AD dashboard.
  • OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI : this is the callback uri set on your azure dashboard, if you are on dev envirenement with localhost, then your URI will be http://localhost/callback.
  • OAUTH_SCOPES : refer to this documentation.
  • OAUTH_AUTHORITY / OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_ENDPOINT / OAUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT : this paths are given by microsoft, do not change them unless microsoft changes them.
  • OAUTH_REDIRECT_AFTER_LOGOUT_URI : The URL that the user is redirected to after successfully signing out. If the parameter isn't included, the user is shown a generic message that's generated by the Microsoft identity platform endpoint. This URL must match one of the redirect URIs registered for your application in the app registration portal.
  • OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_LOGIN : this params is to activate or deactivate the package

after publishing, you'll find a new config file azureAdAuth.php

//set you User model correct path
  "user_model" => App\User::class,
//this is where to redirect users if theirs login succeed ( user route name only )
  "redirect_success" => "home",
//this is where to redirect users if theirs login fails
  "redirect_fail" => "/",

go to your routes/web.php and remove


don't forget to put it back if you deactivate the Aazure AD package, or you can just replace it with this simple condition


###Loggin out this package isn't overriding the laravel's logout function, this is why you need to logout from laravel first and then call the adLogout function shipped with this package. the function has a reserved route name ( 'adLogout' ) you can call it like this :

return redirect()->route('adLogout');
//if you are using your own logout method just add this line at the end or after your function.

If you are using the built-in laravel's logout method just override the "loggedOut" function in App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController by adding this at the end of your class

public function loggedOut(Request $request)
    return redirect()->route('adLogout');
// this function is called by the default laraval's logout method
