
This repository contains a simple Hadoop-like (MapReduce) distributed computing platform implemented in Java. It is extended from a course project at UIUC awarded the best Java version implementation and it's open-sourced for reference.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a parallel cloud computing framework called MapleJuice, which bears similarities with MapReduce/Hadoop. This distributed computing platform consists of services like an underlying distributed file system and a reliable membership protocol. This is extended from a course project (CS 425 at UIUC) and is awarded the best implementation in Java. You can only use this for reference if you are also implementing MapleJuice for CS 425.


The interface of MapleJuice consists of two phases of computation - Maple and Juice. Each phase is divided into tasks running parallelly on servers in the cluster. Two phases are separated by a barriers, meaning that Juice can not be started when Maple is still running.

The Maple function processes 10 input lines (from a file) simultaneously at a time, while the traditional Map function processed only one input line at a time. Beyond this distinction, the MapleJuice paradigm is very similar to the MapReduce paradigm.

The MapleJuice cluster has N server machines where one of them is the master server and all other N-1 machines are worker servers.

MapReduce Master

The master is responsible for all critical functionalities related to coordination activity:

  • receiving Maple and Juice commands,
  • scheduling appropriate Maple/Juice tasks,
  • allocating keys to Juice (Reduce) tasks,
  • tracking progress/completion of tasks, and
  • dealing with failures of the other (worker) servers.

MapleJuice cluster only accepts one command (maple or juice) at a time, i.e., while the cluster is processing maple (or juice) tasks, no other juice (or maple) tasks can be submitted. However, a sequence of jobs can be submitted (they will be queued to be executed one at a time).

When a worker fails, the master will reschedule the task quickly so that the job can still complete. When a worker rejoins the system, the master will consider it for new tasks. Worker failures do not result in incorrect output.

MapReduce Worker

The Worker will retrieve needed data file from the SDFS first. Then each worker will execute the application passed by the Master on the input data. For a key K, all (K, any_value) pairs output by a worker will be appended to the file sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix_K (with K appropriately modified to remove any special characters). Therefore, the output of the Maple phase (not task) is a series of SDFS files, one per key. This is another difference from MapReduce.

Each Juice task is responsible for a portion of the keys – each key is allotted to exactly one Juice task (this is done by the Master server). The Juice task fetches the relevant SDFS files (sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix_K), processes the input lines in them, and appends all its output to sdfs_dest_filename.

Terminal (Commands)

For Master:

  • join - join the group;
  • leave - leave the group;
  • list - list all the members in the group (active and idle) and its neighbors;
  • info - print current server id, neighbors, on-time, etc.;
  • exit - exit the command line environment (make sure the the node's status is idle/leave);
  • put [local_file_name] [sdfs_file_name]: insert or update file;
  • get [sdfs_file_name] [local_file_name]: fetch file to local;
  • [new] get-dir [sdfs_dir] [local_dir]: fetch all files under sdfs_dir to local_dir;
  • delete [sdfs_file_name]: delete a file;
  • ls [sdfs_file_name]: list all the machines where the file is currently being stored;
  • store: list all files which are currently being stored at this machine;
  • [new] maple <maple_exe> <num_maples> <sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix> <sdfs_src_directory>;
    • maple_exe: user-specified executable (stored on SDFS) that takes as input one file and outputs a series of (key, value) pairs
    • num_maples: the number of Maple tasks
    • sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix: prefix of intermediate files generated in Maple phase
    • sdfs_src_directory: the location of the input files (directory) on SDFS
  • [new] juice <juice_exe> <num_juices> <sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix> <sdfs_dest_filename> delete_input={0,1}
    • juice_exe: user-specified executable (stored on SDFS) that takes as input multiple (key, value) input lines, processes groups of (key, any_values) input lines together (sharing the same key, just like Reduce), and outputs (key, value) pairs
    • num_juices: the number of Juice tasks
    • sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix: prefix of intermediate files generated in Maple phase which are used as input in Juice phase
    • sdfs_dest_filename: output file name from the Juice phase
    • delete_input: 1 for deleting intermediate files after MapleJuice is done, 0 for otherwise

For Worker:

  • join - join the group;
  • leave - leave the group;
  • list - list all the members in the group (active and idle) and its neighbors;
  • info - print current server id, neighbors, on-time, etc.;
  • exit - exit the command line environment (make sure the the node's status is idle/leave);
  • put [local_file_name] [sdfs_file_name]: insert or update file;
  • get [sdfs_file_name] [local_file_name]: fetch file to local;
  • [new] get-dir [sdfs_dir] [local_dir]: fetch all files under sdfs_dir to local_dir;
  • delete [sdfs_file_name]: delete a file;
  • ls [sdfs_file_name]: list all the machines where the file is currently being stored;
  • store: list all files which are currently being stored at this machine;
  • [new] maple <maple_exe> <num_maples> <sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix> <sdfs_src_directory> - redirect the request to the Master;
  • [new] juice <juice_exe> <num_juices> <sdfs_intermediate_filename_prefix> <sdfs_dest_filename> delete_input={0,1} - redirect the request to the Master;

How to Build

cd scripts

How to Run

You should firstly start 6 servers (VM1-VM6) in the bootstrap mode (1). After that, every node should be started in the normal mode (2).

./start_master.sh id mode
./start_worker.sh id mode
  • id: id of the virtual machine - from 1 to 10;
  • mode: 1 for bootstrap mode & 2 for normal mode;

Before you run, you may want to clean up the log files & previous SDFS file directory and kill those processes using certain port numbers.


How to Execute a MapleJuice Job

  1. Write your own application in MapleJuice paradigm (refer to the two applications provided in applications/).
  2. Upload the Maple and Juice executables to the SDFS (e.g. put path/to/application maple_exe).
  3. Upload the input files to the SDFS under the same directory (e.g. put path/to/input/files/file1 input_dir/file1).
  4. Execute Maple tasks (e.g. maple maple_exe 10 tmp_tasks_ input_dir).
  5. Execute Juice tasks (e.g. juice juice_exe 10 tmp_tasks_ output_file 1).
  6. Check the result in output_file!


MapleJuice platform supports Python scripts only. A Maple application need to deal with multiple lines as the input at a time. The format is line\nline\nline. The output should be key,value\nkey,value. A Juice application need to deal with a key and a string of values as the input. The format is key value1,value2,value3. The output should be key,value.

There are two application examples included in the applications/ directory. One is the word count application and the other is reverse web-link graph application. To run the two applications on this distributed computing platform (MapleJuice), you need to follow the above instructions and treat wc-maple/juice.py and rwlg-maple/juice.py as executables.


  • At most 3 node failures (simultaneously);
  • Only accepts one command (maple or juice) at a time;
  • Filename cannot contain "_" and "-";
  • The number of input files should be larger than the number of Maple tasks;
  • The number of keys (intermediate files) should be larger than the number of Juice tasks;
  • Master node is fault-free;