
A library to build custom graph structures from fundamental APIs (e.g Graph, Vertex, Edge)

Primary LanguageZigMIT LicenseMIT

ZGraph Logo


ZGraph is a high-performance, generic graph processing framework built in Zig, designed to provide efficient tools for building, traversing, and analyzing graphs of any size and complexity.

Feature Highlights

  • Generic Graph Framework: ZGraph offers generic structures for graphs, vertices, and edges, allowing developers to work with graphs of any data type.

  • Graph Algorithms: Includes a variety of graph algorithms such as breadth-first search (BFS), depth-first search (DFS), shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's, A*), and more.

  • Performance-Oriented: ZGraph is built with performance in mind, leveraging Zig's low-level control and efficient memory management to handle large-scale graph processing tasks.

  • ACID Compliance: Ensures ACID transactions for data integrity and consistency in graph operations.

  • Distributed Architecture: Supports distributed transactions, sharding, replication, partitioning, and clustering for scalability and fault tolerance.

  • Scalability: Supports elastic horizontal scalability, dynamic workloads, and high throughput transactions.

  • High-Availability: Provides mechanisms for ensuring high availability through fault tolerance, leader election, and replica synchronization.

  • MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control): Implements MVCC for transaction management, data versioning, and concurrency control mechanisms.

  • Log-Structured Storage: Manages data storage efficiently with log-based storage mechanisms, write-ahead logging (WAL), and optimized disk operations.

  • Custom Memory Allocator: Utilizes Zig's memory management capabilities for optimized database operations and resource utilization.

  • WASM Compilation: Can be compiled to WebAssembly, enabling browser-based applications and versatile deployment options.

  • Gremlin Compatibility (WIP): Integrates with Gremlin-compatible graph databases, enabling seamless data extraction and processing using Zig's capabilities.

  • Documentation & Examples: Comprehensive documentation and example code to help developers get started quickly and leverage ZGraph's features effectively.

  • Multi-Language Support: Provides wrappers and bindings for integrating ZGraph with other programming languages, ensuring users can leverage Zig's performance and memory management across different environments.

  • Performance Monitoring and Metrics: Offers monitoring and metrics collection features for performance analysis and system instrumentation.

  • Customizable Configuration: Allows customizable configurations for cache sizes, storage options, and concurrency settings to tailor performance and resource usage.

Getting Started

To use ZGraph in your Zig project, follow these steps:

1. Add ZGraph as a dependency (.zon):

// build.zig.zon
    // -- snip --
    .dependencies = .{
        // -- snip --
        .zgraph = .{
            .url = "https://github.com/James-Riordan/zgraph/archive/<commit SHA>.tar.gz",
            .hash = "<dependency hash>",

run zig fetch --save <URL>


put in the depedency URL, leave the .hash field empty, and run zig build for terminal to provide the correct .hash to use

2. Build the ZGraph library:

cd zgraph
zig build

3. Link the ZGraph library to your Zig project:

Add the necessary build.zig configuration to your project to link against the ZGraph library.

To build upon ZGraph in other languages:


Explore Examples:

Check out the examples directory for sample code demonstrating graph creation, traversal, and algorithm usage.

Read the Documentation:

Refer to the documentation for detailed documentation on ZGraph's APIs, usage guidelines, and performance optimizations.

How to use ZGraph as a Library

Zig Library Usage


const std = @import("std");
const zgraph = @import("zgraph.zig");

pub fn main() void {
    const graph = zgraph.Graph(u32).new(std.heap.page_allocator);
    defer graph.deinit();

    // Add vertices and edges, perform graph algorithms, etc.
Binary Executable
You can also run ZGraph as a standalone binary executable via main.zig for testing and development purposes.
zig build-exe main.zig

How to use ZGraph as an Executable

Zig Library Usage

zig build-exe main.zig

How to use ZGraph via WASI (WASM)

Zig Library Usage


Integrating with Other Languages

ZGraph provides support for integration with various programming languages through their specific FFI mechanisms:

  • Go: Uses cgo, so ZGraph offers a C wrapper for Zig functions.

  • TypeScript/JavaScript: Uses N-API or ffi-napi to bind to Zig's shared library or embeds WASM compiled Zig code in the web app directly.

  • Python: Supports FFI through its ctypes module as well as CFFI for more complex interactions.

  • Rust: Uses extern "C" declarations and the libc crate.

These bindings allow users of other languages to extend ZGraph's fundamental APIs (Graph, Vertex, Edge, Graph Pathfinding & Traversal Algorithms, etc.) while benefiting from Zig's performance and memory management.


Contributions to ZGraph are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, bug fixes, or new features, please submit an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository.


ZGraph is licensed under the MIT License.