Advection-taxis movement model

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Advection-taxis movement model

ATM can be used to fit realistic movement models to tags, survey, and fishery data.

Demo usage

# Load package and case-study data
data( Cod_data )

# Generate spatial domain
extrapolation_list = FishStatsUtils::make_extrapolation_info(
  Region = c("eastern_bering_sea","northern_bering_sea"),
  projargs = NA,
  #projargs = CRSobj@projargs,
  create_strata_per_region = TRUE,
  max_cells = Inf )

# Generate spatial objects
lonlat_gz = sp::spTransform(
  CRSobj = CRS("+proj=longlat") )
spatial_list = FishStatsUtils::make_spatial_info(
  fine_scale = FALSE,
  n_x = nrow(lonlat_gz@coords),
  Extrapolation_List = extrapolation_list,
  Lon_i = lonlat_gz@coords[,1],
  Lat_i = lonlat_gz@coords[,2],
  knot_method = "samples",
  grid_size_km = 5000 )

# Format SPDE object representing spatial smoother
spde_aniso = list(
  "n_s" = spatial_list$MeshList$anisotropic_spde$n.spde,
  "n_tri" = nrow(spatial_list$MeshList$anisotropic_mesh$graph$tv),
  "Tri_Area" = spatial_list$MeshList$Tri_Area,
  "E0" = spatial_list$MeshList$E0,
  "E1" = spatial_list$MeshList$E1,
  "E2" = spatial_list$MeshList$E2,
  "TV" = spatial_list$MeshList$TV-1,
  "G0" = spatial_list$MeshList$anisotropic_spde$param.inla$M0,
  "G0_inv" = INLA::inla.as.dgTMatrix(solve(spatial_list$MeshList$anisotropic_spde$param.inla$M0)) )

# Fit model
# NOTE:  turning off fishery data, which after truncating to avoid dislosing confidential data was resulting
# in poor fit (not PD-Hessian) with the covariates used in the paper.
fit = fitTMB(
  Cov_stars = Cod_data$Cov_stars,
  formula_diffusion = ~ 1,
  formula_taxis = ~ bs(sqrt(Bathy), knots=3, intercept=FALSE):season + bs(BT, knots=3, intercept=FALSE),
  coords_gz = Cod_data$loc_gz@coords,
  satellite_iz = NULL,
  survey_jz = Cod_data$survey_jz,
  fishery_fz = NULL,
  conventional_hz = Cod_data$conventional_hz,
  E_guy = Cod_data$E_guy,
  log2steps = 0,
  sigma2 = 0.1,
  spde_aniso = spde_aniso,
  alpha_ratio_bounds = 0,
  movement_penalty = 10000,
  constant_tail_probability = 1e-7 )

Preference landscapes

Users can then visualize the landscape of habitat preference:

X = fit$Report$Preference_gt - (rep(1,length(Cod_data$loc_gz)) %o% colMeans(fit$Report$Preference_gt))
DF = SpatialPointsDataFrame( coords=Cod_data$loc_gz@coords, data=data.frame(X[1:length(Cod_data$loc_gz),]) )

Covariate responses

Similarly, users can visualize covariate-response curves using a partial-dependence-plot with or without uncertainty intervals:

Data_zp = format_covariates( Cod_data$Cov_stars,
                             formula=fit$formula_taxis )$Data_zp
# MLE of effects, using predict.fit_model
PDP = partial( fit,
              train = Data_zp,
              origdata = Data_zp,
              pred.var = c("Bathy","season"),
              type = "regression",
              varname = "alpha_k",
              formula = fit$formula_taxis )

# Sample distribution for effects
Interval = plot_partial_dependence( x = fit,
                                    n_samples = 100,
                                    train = Data_zp,
                                    pred.var = "BT",
                                    type = "regression",
                                    filename = paste0(run_dir,"taxis_BT_CI"),
                                    varname = "alpha_k",
                                    formula = fit$formula_taxis,
                                    bounds_type = "whiskers" )
Interval = plot_partial_dependence( x = fit,
                                    n_samples = 100,
                                    train = Data_zp,
                                    pred.var = c("Bathy","season"),
                                    type = "regression",
                                    filename = paste0(run_dir,"taxis_Bathy_CI"),
                                    varname = "alpha_k",
                                    formula = fit$formula_taxis,
                                    bounds_type = "whiskers" )

Simulating new data

Finally, ATM can be used as an operating model, either conditional upon estimated values (a "conditional simulator") or simulating new random effects (an "unconditional simulator"). The latter is helpful to generate a new history of the population, e.g., when manually changing movement or other parameters.

# Modify newpar as needed
# e.g., newpar[1:3] = [CHANGES]
# Here I'm just randomizing to make a point
newpar = fit$Obj$env$last.par.best
newpar[grep("alpha_logit_ratio_k",names(newpar))] =
  newpar[grep("alpha_logit_ratio_k",names(newpar))] + rnorm(length(grep("alpha_logit_ratio_k",names(newpar))))

# Plot changes in preference function
PDP = partial( fit,
              train = Data_zp,
              origdata = Data_zp,
              pred.var = c("Bathy","season"),
              type = "regression",
              varname = "alpha_k",
              formula = fit$formula_taxis,
              parvec = newpar )

# "unconditional" simulation of random effects
# using the new preference function
out = simulate_data( fit,
                     type = 2,
                     parvec = newpar )