###Developers Workshop 2016

June 20 - 24, 2016

School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences

Seattle, Washington, USA

Contact Jim.Ianelli@noaa.gov for registration and questions.

ADMB/TMB is Awesome!


  • Foundation Meeting
    • Discuss Articles
    • Next steps
    • Officers
    • Website
  • Video plans for development


Time Activity
9:00AM Start
1:00PM Lunch
2:00PM Foundation Meeting
5:00PM End


Time Activity
9:00-12.00AM Instruction videos
5:00PM End


Time Activity
9:00AM Start
5:00PM End


Time Activity
Invited session The use of AD in statistical software
Speaker Title
9:00AM David Fournier TBA
10:00AM Brad Bell cppad_mixed: A C++ Package for Laplace Approximation of Mixed
11:00AM Bob Carpenter Implementation and Application of Reverse-Mode Autodiff in Stan
12:00PM Kasper Kristensen TBA
13:00PM Lunch


Time Activity
9:00AM Start
5:00PM End


Name Notes
Dave Fournier
John Sibert Curmudgeon
Jim Ianelli
Steve Martell
Anders Nielsen
Hans Skaug
Arni Magnusson
Kasper Kristensen Developer TMB
Brad Bell Developer cppad
Mollie Brooks
Matthew Supernaw Developer atl
Teresa A'mar
Chris Grandin
Casper Berg
Cole Monnahan
Jim Thorson
Bob Carpenter Stan Project
Anna Neuheimer
Johnoel Ancheta