
A Free Open-Source HTTP (GET/POST) Request Testing Tool written in PHP.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Curl It - HTTP (GET/POST) Request Testing Tool

Curl It allows you to test your Web APIs by sending HTTP GET/POST Requests.

  • Easily change request headers
  • Specify a maximum number of redirects
  • Add POST parameters or raw body content

Getting Started

You can find an online version at: https://curlit.jam-es.com
Or you use the source code in the repository to host your own


If you wish to host the source code yourself, you'll need a PHP hosting environment. If you do not have one available, you can use Google App Engine (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/) for free.
I origionally wrote the code for PHP 5.6 but it may work on earlier/later versions without any changes. In the worst case you'll have to make a couple of small changes at most.

Built With

  • MaterializeCSS Framework - A great CSS framework, I highly recommend. I used version 1.0.0-rc.2. The index.php files links to the require CSS/Js files which are hosted on a CDN.
  • Ace Code Editor - High performance code editor for the web. It is used for displaying the HTTP Responses. You can find a buid in the 'src-min' folder

Breakdown of files/folders

  • readme.md - This readme markdown file
  • app.yaml - Specifies how URL paths correspond to request handlers and static files when hosting with Google App Engine. If you are not using GAE you do not need it.
  • php.ini - This allows the index.php to use cURL in the Google App Engine Environment. If you are not using GAE you do not need it.
  • index.php - The webpage where all the fun happens :)
  • src-min folder - Contains build of Ace Code Editor. It is used as a read-only editor for displaying the HTTP Responses.


You may download/use/distribute/modify/host/sell the code however you like. There are no restrictions.


Inspiration came from a free service previously called Hurl.it. Hurl.it is open source and you can find the source code here: https://github.com/twilio/hurl2 It was written in Ruby but is no longer being hosted anywhere online (which is why I made this).

Update: The roles have reversed now. After a sequence of acquisitions Hurl.it is back online. And I'm no longer maintaining this tool, nor attempting to keep the site up.