
Hy source code formatter, just like black for python

Primary LanguagePython

A Hy source code formatter

  • Deterministic, like Black and Prettier!
  • Tolerable defaults!
  • Works with at least one Lisp dialect!

Nealean is a deterministic Hy formatter. It chops your source up and puts it back together again, better.

Install with:

git clone https://github.com/James4Ever0/nelean
cd nelean
pip3 install .

Uninstall with:

pip3 uninstall nelean

Use with Vim with Neoformat with the hotkey "shift-L" with:

let g:neoformat_scheme_n = { 'exe': 'nelean', 'args': [], 'stdin': 1, 'replace': 0, 'valid_exit_codes': [0], }
let g:neoformat_enabled_scheme = ['n']
nnoremap L :Neoformat<Cr>

Nelean requires your hy to be modified. Install modified hy from here

You can copy nelean.py somewhere in your PATH, as long as you have dependencies resolved.

Additional options are availabile via the command line help.

The name comes from a famous professor of penmanship I found on Wikipedia, D'Nelean.