
An extension to the RainLab.Blog plugin to help developers tag their posts with corresponding software versions.

Primary LanguagePHP

Blog Tags Extension

This plugin is an extension to the RainLab.Blog plugin. This extension enables blog posts to have software versions attached.

Websites using Blog Tags Extension

Panic Vault

If you're using it, feel free to let me know so I can showcase it here.


Define a software package with this model

  • name - The name of the software you're using in relation to a version


The versions model defines the actual version number of a software package you're using in relation to a blog post

  • software_id - The ID of the software this version is for
  • version - The version of the software


  • Install this plugin, then add the software and version widgets to the dashboard
  • Alternatively, go to "Versions" on the left side of the blog tab in the backend
  • Add a software first, then a version to go with it
  • Finally, in the Categories tab of a blog post you will be able to select a version for that post

Frontend Usage Example:

alt text

{% if post.versions.count %} | Using
    <span itemprop="keywords">
        {% for version in post.versions %}
            <a href="{{ version.software_id }}">{{ version.getSoftwareName() }}</a> version{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
            <a href="{{ version.id }}">{{ version.version }}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}