
"Hail Mary" Pentesting Framework (Automates many of the first steps in any investigation/pentest by throwing every recon method at a target)

Primary LanguagePython

wlanPTF 👀

A real neato automated recon tool by https://wlan1.net

wlanPTF automates the first step in any recon job: "Run a light nmap scan, investigate the http ports, see what's up with open SMB shares, etc."

*Designed for scenarios where making noise isn't an issue.

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E N T E R P R I S E                       E D I T I O N

Default Usage: ./ptf scan

     ./ptf status     Show all scanners spawned and their statuses
     ./ptf stop       Stops all scanners in motion
     ./ptf cleanup    Stops all scanners and removes all files

Extended usage:
    --http     Limit scanning to http/s services
    --smb      Limit scanning to SMB services

**Note: Scanners == Programs like nikto, nmap, etc that investigate open ports found**

Quick Start Example

$ ptf scan wlan1.net
Beginning probe scans for wlan1.net
Starting light nmap scan for initial recon...
Auto investigating the following identified services. Run `ptf status` for an update.
|   PID | Name     | Target    | Port   | Service    | Output        | Start      | End     |
|  5896 | nikto    | wlan1.net | 80     | http       | nikto80.txt   | 5:42:16 PM | Running |
|  5898 | nikto    | wlan1.net | 8080   | http-proxy | nikto8080.txt | 5:42:16 PM | Running |
|  5900 | nikto    | wlan1.net | 443    | https      | nikto443.txt  | 5:42:16 PM | Running |
|  5902 | nmapFull | wlan1.net |        |            | nmapFull.txt  | 5:42:16 PM | Running |

$ head nikto80.txt                                                                                                                         
- Nikto v2.1.6
+ Target IP:
+ Target Hostname:    wlan1.net
+ Target Port:        80
+ Start Time:         2019-04-23 17:42:16 (GMT-4)
+ Server: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)
+ Server leaks inodes via ETags, header found with file /, fields: 0x1171 0x5714a1c99dad7
+ The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present.