A React/Redux starter

This is a small sample project you can use to start a new React/Redux app. It contains:

  • all of the needed dependencies.
    • To begin using it, npm install after cloning.
  • a webpack setup with its dev server and hot module reloading.
  • an Express server with API routes and a /static folder to hold the webpack assets.
    • To use it, npm run server in a separate terminal.
    • The server is listening on http://localhost:3000 and includes the necessary CORS configuration to permit access from client assets served from the webpack-dev-server.
    • It includes node-inspector for server-side debugging. The debugging interface is at http://localhost:8888/?debug=5858.
    • The server is started with node-dev so it will restart after it detects changes.
  • a test setup for running tests with ava and enzyme.
    • Run the tests with npm test.

What's next?

There is currently only a single App component and no Redux implementation (only references). Reasonable steps to take next might include:

  1. Wireframe your application.
  2. Write the UI in static HTML.
  3. Decompose the HTML into JSX components.
  4. Decide which components are stateful (containers) and which are only UI (presentation).
  5. Define the potential actions in the app.
  6. Define the structure of the state of the app.
  7. Using reducers, decide how actions will alter the state (store) of the app.