
A list of Java gamedev resources taken from the old java-gaming.org resources section.

Java Gamedev Resources

A list of Java gamedev resources.


If you want to contribute, create an issue or pull request, and I'll check it out. If the resource seems good, I'll probably add it.


Java-Gaming.org Forum Resources Archive

This is an updated archive of all of the old java-gaming.org resources section. Some resources may be outdated, but a few are definitely still useful!


Game Tutorials

Game Libraries

2D Engines and Libraries

  • Slick2D (Hardware Accelerated 2D Games Library)
  • PulpCore (2D Games Engine, especially good for Applets)
  • LibGDX (2D and 3D OpenGL library, both desktop and Android support, and more)

3D Engines and Libraries

  • Ardor3D (Java based 3D engine)
  • JMonkeyEngine (Java based 3D engine)
  • jPCT (Java based 3D engine)
  • LibGDX (2D and 3D OpenGL library, both desktop and Android support, and more)
  • Clyde (For creating action-oriented networked 3D games in Java.)
  • Xith3D (Java based 3D engine) (archive)
  • Ogre4J (Java binding to the popular C++ engine Ogre3D)
  • 3DzzD (Java based 3D engine for webpages)

Graphics and Sound Bindings

  • LWJGL (OpenGL, OpenAL, OpenCL, JInput)
  • JogAmp (OpenGL, OpenAL, OpenCL)

Sound Libraries

Physics Libraries

  • JBox2D (2D physics engine, straight port of the C++ Box2D engine)
  • Fizzy (2D physics engine, based on JBox2D. Presents a more familiar environment to Java programmers)
  • JBullet (3D physics engine)

Network Libraries

  • KryoNet (clean and simple API for efficient TCP and UDP client/server network communication using NIO)
  • RedDwarf (RedDwarf is a server side technology written in Java that radically simplifies the development of online games and lowers the barrier to entry into the MMOG market)
  • Narya (The Narya library provides various facilities for making networked multiplayer games.)

GUI Libraries

  • TWL (TWL is a GUI library built on top of OpenGL and provides all the standard widgets like labels, edit fields, tables, popups, tooltips, frames and a lot more.)
  • Nifty (Nifty GUI is a Library for games or similar applications. The configuration of the GUI are stored in xml files with little supporting Java code.)
  • Feng GUI (archive) (FengGUI is built on OpenGL and provides all typical GUI components.)
  • PureSwing (archive) (Reimplementation of Swing)

Java Game Portals

Featured Misc.