
Fortran 77 Code for Generating Generalized Gaussian Quadrature Rules

Primary LanguageFortran

This package contains code for constructing generalized Gaussian quadrature rules. The following files comprise the package:

  1. The file print.f contains basic output routines.

  2. The file utils.f contains some simple utlity routines for sorting and the like.

  3. The file qrsolve.f contains simple subroutines for solving systems of linear equations.

  4. The file orthom.f contains simple subroutines for solving systems of linear equations.

  5. The file gspiv.f contains code for conducting Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization

  6. The file legendre.f contains code for constructing Gauss-Legendre quadratures and for manipulating Legendre expansions.

  7. The file adaptri.f contains code for adaptively integrating a user-supplied function given over a user-specified triangle.

  8. The file legedisc.f contains code for representing functions as piecewise Legendre expansions.

  9. The file newtls.f contains code for solving least squares problems.

  10. The file newton1d.f contains a one-dimensional ``generalized Gaussian'' quadrature code.

  11. The file logquads.f contains code for constructing a set of quadrature rules for discretizing integral operators whose kernels have logarithmic singularities and which are given on planar curves.

  12. The file logquads2d.f contains code for constructing a set of quadrature rules for discretizing integral operators whose kernels have logarithmic singularities and which are given on planar domains.

  13. The file gausssq.f contains code for constructing quadrature rules for integrating polynomials of a specified degree over the rectangle [-1,1] x [-1,1].