
n+1 queries cause response time to consistendly increase over time when prosopite is enabled

Primary LanguageRuby

Turbo Response Slowdown

The problem is that response times consistently and gradually increase when there is an n+1 query and prosopite is enabled.

How To Reproduce

  • Install the required gems with bundle install
  • Run the migrations with bundle exec rails db:migrate
  • Set up the seed data with bundle exec rails db:seed
  • Run bundle exec rails s to start the server
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/posts
  • Open the Network tab of the browser developer tools
  • If "Duration" is not visible, right click on the column title bar, navigate into "Timings" and select "Duration"
  • Click the "Next" button until you reach the end or you've seen the duration value noticably increase enough