
Starter Code for the Udacity's "Mobile Web Specialist Restaurant Reviews App: Stage 1" Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Front End Web Development Nanodegree -- Project 5

Restaurant Reviews App

Note to reviewer: If you are viewing this project on GitHub, you will find that the Mapbox API key is stored in an obfuscated JavaScript file under the js folder, called key.js. Due to the code obfuscator's self-defense mechanisms, you will probably have a pretty hard time doing any code inspection, so if you need to do a deep dive into my JavaScript, I suggest you do the following:

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine.
  2. Delete the file js/key.js.
  3. Open the file key_replace.js, paste your own Mapbox API key into the mapbox_api object (between the single quotes), then save the file, and rename it to key.js.
  4. Launch the python localhost server with this command: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
  5. Manually clear your browser cache, unregister the old service worker, and do a hard refresh.
  6. That's it!