# Initialization of the Project
    > npm init -y
        # If the application is downloaded through GitHub, continue Prerequisites Installation below if not.
            > npm install
    # Prerequisites Installation
        # Express, Express Flash, and Express Session
            > npm i express express-flash express-session
        # EJS (Views)
            > npm i ejs

        # Passport and Passport Local
            > npm i passport passport-local

        # Bcrypt
            > npm i bcrypt

        # Development Dependencies
            # Nodemon and DOTENV
                > npm i --save-dev nodemon dotenv

    # Commands
        # Run the project through nodemon
            The script command can be seen in package.json
            > npm run dev:start

# Source Link
    # Node.js Passport Login System Tutorial
        > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RCnNyD0L-s