
Tutorials for AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular Tutorials WNG

Steps to install

  • Install Node on your machine (download from http://nodejs.org/)
  • Install Ruby (http://rubyinstaller.org/)
  • Start Ruby command line
  • Install the Ruby Bundler gem install bundler
  • Install compass gem install compass
  • Clone latest code from GitHub, git clone https://github.com/JamesDunlop/angular-tutes.git
  • Change to the local GitHub directory for this cloned
  • Open ruby command line and run command bundle install
  • Open windows command line and install global node packages with command npm -g install grunt-cli bower
  • Install local node packages by then running this from the command line npm install
  • Start up Grunt by issuing command 'grunt' or 'grunt default' at the command line
  • Open browser and navigate to http://localhost:9000/.html


  • HTML pages should have this on the last line before closing body tag

    <script src="http://localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>
  • We are using Autoprefixer to post process the CSS so prefixes are turned off with Compass by adding this:

$experimental-support-for-mozilla : false !default; $experimental-support-for-webkit : false !default; $support-for-original-webkit-gradients : false !default; $experimental-support-for-opera : false !default; $experimental-support-for-microsoft : false !default; $experimental-support-for-khtml : false !default;

Angular links

On providers, services etc