Build a Chatbot with OpenAI, Shiny, and RStudio

This workshop will guide you through building your own chatbot using cutting-edge AI services integrated into RStudio. You can access the workshop website here.

What You'll Learn

  • Tools available to use generative AI in RStudio
  • How to leverage generative AI models like GPT-4 in RStudio using {gptstudio}, {chattr}, and {gpttools}
  • Querying AI models using API calls with {httr2}
  • Building an interactive Shiny chatbot app powered by language models

Workshop Outline

The workshop is broken into two parts:

Part 1: Generative AI in RStudio

An overview of tools to access AI services within RStudio IDE.

Part 2: Let's Build a Chatbot

A hands-on session where we build a chat app step-by-step using Shiny.

Pre-Workshop Setup

To fully participate, you will need RStudio installed along with a few packages. See the workshop repository for full setup instructions.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!