
Started implementing my previous budgeting app in NextJS v13. Swapping out ChakraUI for TailWindCSS

Primary LanguageCSS

💲 Budget tracker for NZ banks

🚧 Work in progress

Rewriting my prevous project but with NextJS 13, Tailwind CSS & daisyUI

Why this exists?

I spend too much money 😶. I want to save more. This exists to help get closer to the dream of affording a house deposit in New Zealand. 😑

⚡ Getting Started

🤝Third party platform API

Im using Akahu which provides financial information from New Zealand banks.

To properly use this app you will need an Akahu account. See here for more information

  • Copy/duplicate the .env.example and name it .env.local
  • Add Akahu details to env.local.

🚀 Running the app

npm run dev

Technology used

  • NextJS with ReactJS.
  • TailwindCSS now that Next13 doesn't support @ emotion styling.
  • DaisyUI for collection of Tailwind components

🔧 TODO and maybe coming soon™

  • Solve problem with SSR and user selected themes