Sitemap Helper

This docker container reads data from CMS and serves a valid /sitemap.xml

What is a sitemap:

Supported Environment Variables:

Name Default Description
LOG_LEVEL INFO Any log level supported by Python e.g. DEBUG / INFO / WARN / ERROR
JSON_URL{0} API to GET app_id list from. {0} will be replaced by capital 2-letter country code/
BASE_URL Schema and domain used to generate other addresses
APPS_PATH /apps/{0} Path to use for each app_id. {0} will be replaced with the app_id
APPS_CHANGE_FREQUENCY weekly Change frequency for each app_id. always / daily / weekly / monthly or any other value supported by the sitemap standard for the <changefreq> field
APPS_PRIORITY 0.5 Priority for each app_id
ADD_PATHS {0}/,daily,1.0\n{0}/list/desktop,weekly,0.8\n{0}/termofuse,monthly,0.2 Additional paths to add to the sitemap, one per line. Line separator is unix newline "\n". Each line is comma separated: path,change frequency,priority. {0} will be replaced with the BASE_URL
CACHE_TIME 3600 Per country-code: How long to cache the result of GET JSON_URL


  • Per Country-Code output, using X-Request-Country-Code Header
  • Result caching: impossible to overload CMS Service
  • XML Sitemap output at GET :8888/sitemap.xml
  • JSON version/health path at: GET :8888/version
  • Compact ~ 70MB docker container
  • High performance: Easily does 500+ RPS with an 18KB response (equivilent to more than 8 MBytes/s output data) and less than 64 MB memory footprint

Other notes:

  • This thing is one of many ways to generate a sitemap for .... I'm ok if someone wants to take over this and do something different!