
Allow your players to deposit and withdraw money from the island's bank! See island rankings!

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


Bugs Coverage Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating Build Status gitlocalized

Bank provides an island bank to enable island members to share money.

Created and maintained by tastybento.


Each island has a bank account. Players can deposit or withdraw money from their regular economy accounts into the island account where it is pooled. The island owner can decide which rank of team member can access the account via the settings menu. There is a baltop command that players can use to see which island has the most, or least money.


  • Save or spend money as an island team
  • Compete to have the highest balance in the game
  • See a full history of transactions on the account


Bank requires an economy to be installed on the server that uses Vault. Ideally, the economy should be multi-world aware otherwise money may end up being shared between worlds and game modes.


Player commands

The default player command is bank and it can be changed in the config.yml. So you use the bank you do /island bank for example.

  • bank deposit <amount> - deposit money into the island bank
  • bank withdraw <amount> - withdraw money from the island bank
  • bank balance - see your island bank balance
  • bank statement - see a fancy statement of deposits/withdrawals, etc. on your island bank account

Admin commands

The default admin command is bank and it can be changed in the config.yml.

Admin commands make money by magic.

  • bank give <player> <amount> - deposit money into the player's island bank
  • bank take <player> <amount> - withdraw money from the player's island bank
  • bank set <player> <amount> - set the player's island bank balance to an amount
  • bank balance <player> - see a player's island bank balance
  • bank statement <player> - see a fancy statement of deposits/withdrawals, etc. on the player's island bank account


  # BentoBox GameModes that can use Bank
  - BSkyBlock
  - AOneBlock
  - AcidIsland
  - SkyGrid
  - CaveBlock
    # User command
    user: bank
    # Admin command
    admin: bank


    description: Player can use bank command
    default: true
    description: Player can use bank balance command
    default: true
    description: Player can use the bank deposit command
    default: true
    description: Player can use bank withdraw command
    default: true
    description: Player can use the bank statement command
    default: true
    description: Player can use bank baltop command
    default: true
    description: Player can use admin command
    default: op
    description: Player can use admin balance command
    default: op
    description: Player can use the admin give command
    default: op
    description: Player can use admin take command
    default: op
    description: Player can use the admin statement command
    default: op
    description: Player can use admin set command
    default: op

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