A C# based memory editing library targeting Windows applications, offering various functions to extract and inject data and codes into remote processes to allow interoperability.
- 6
Make available or port to .NET Core/6/8
#29 opened by luislhg - 0
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (299): Couldn't read 12 byte(s) from 0x5662FFCC.
#30 opened by brenodss - 1
- 35
64-bit support
#5 opened by A-VORONKIN - 5
- 2
- 3
Pattern scanning
#12 opened by JamesMenetrey - 1
- 1
- 1
Execute return wrong values on x64bit
#24 opened by MohamedAlaaJameel - 2
Calling a thiscall function?
#23 opened by splatert - 1
#21 opened by CodexOne03 - 2
Upgrade to the .NET Framework 4.6.2.
#10 opened by JamesMenetrey - 4
64 support?Really?
#20 opened by zengfr - 2
equivalent to ReadProcessMemory
#19 opened by AtefR - 6
- 4
How to find address of a value ?
#18 opened by ISmileYouCryYouSmileIDie - 0
AssemblyFactory.Execute is terribly slow
#17 opened by CapitaineToinon - 2
Keyboard press and write does not work.
#14 opened by gKreator - 3
- 2
Pattern Mechanisms?
#8 opened by CryptXor - 0
- 5
Bugs report!
#1 opened by CreateAndInject - 0
- 0
Refactor the namespaces
#9 opened by JamesMenetrey - 3
v1.1.1.0 is not available on nuget.org
#7 opened by colemickens