

\author{James Moreau, 1065510, jmorea03@uoguelph.ca}

\title{CIS 3490 Assigment 3 - String Matching Algorithm}

to run my programs, simply type "make", and execute the individual 
output files (no commandline arguments needed).

Here are the patterns I will be using to analyze the efficiency of each algorithm.
    \item University
    \item carry
    \item gender
    \item computer
    \item name
    \item item
    \item activity
    \item campus
    \item grow
    \item mark

\paragraph{Performance Ratio}
    Performance \: Ratio &= \frac{Number \: of \: Shifts}{Runtime}\\


    \item 21,818.85
    \item 37,961.69
    \item 32,121.30
    \item 26,512.77
    \item 40,735.80
    \item 41,757.93
    \item 27,381.75
    \item 33,740.51
    \item 42,286.44
    \item 45,761.27

Average is 27,405.20 shifts per millisecond

    \item 28,968.8
    \item 39,987.11
    \item 35,448.55
    \item 33,556.53
    \item 38,683
    \item 40,838.17
    \item 27,952.82
    \item 37,252
    \item 44,900.3
    \item 42,877.90

Average is 37,046.51 shifts per millisecond

From the analysis, we can see that the horspool algorithm which take advantage of 
a precomputed table to determine how far it can shift at each iteration performs 
significantly better than the naive method.
