Google Homepage Project

This purpose of this project was to deconstruct and rebuild the google homepage using introductory HTML and CSS learning material. This is one of the first projects fromÊThe Odin Project.

Link to project page:


Open your Terminal/Command Line. Navigate to the directory where your version will live. Type in the following:

$ git clone
$ cd google-homepage 
$ xdg-open google-homepage.html 

To exit out of the session in the command line, press CTRL+C.


Have you visited the Google Homepage before? Of course you have.

Pre-Project Thoughts

Having only produced an android logo previous to this project, I wasnÕt expecting much. Although the google home page looks simple, after inspecting the underlying code, I knew I was up for a challenge.

Post-Project Thoughts

The page looks reasonably similar. I found the search bar to be difficult to display to a similar level. One of my major challenges was moving elements on the page. The different properties and selector format was an issue. The difference between display properties such as inline or inline-block will have to be researched further.


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was reviewed to help out
  • Google of course.