
Write more elegant Azure Functions with less boilerplate, more consistency, and support for REST APIs. Docs can be found at https://functionmonkey.azurefromthetrenches.com

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Function Monkey

Write more elegant Azure Functions with less boilerplate, more consistency, and support for REST APIs.

public class FunctionAppConfiguration : IFunctionAppConfiguration
    public void Build(IFunctionHostBuilder builder)
            .Setup((serviceCollection, commandRegistry) =>
            .Authorization(authorization => authorization.TokenValidator())
            .Functions(functions => functions
                .HttpRoute("v1/Invoice", route => route
                    .HttpFunction(AuthorizationTypeEnum.TokenValidation, HttpMethod.Get)
                .ServiceBus("serviceBusConnection", serviceBus => serviceBus
                    .SubscriptionFunction("emaildispatchtopic", "emaildispatchsubscription"))
                .Storage("storageConnectionString", storage => storage

Getting Started

Full documentation is available here:


In addition there is a video tutorial series on building out a simple application:

Video tutorial series
