
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Sample

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Start your React Project with a ready config!

this is a sample of the ReactJs project for starting easily and fast.
In this project, we added some configs and installed some necessary packages. they help you to ready very fast and don't waste time them.


  • Configs

    • Eslint
    • Prettier
    • Stylelint
    • Dockerfile
    • .env file
    • Commit lint
    • Redux Config
    • Style Config
    • SEO & PWA tags
    • jsconfig file
    • tsconfig file
    • Folder structure
    • API cache system
    • Private route system
    • lint-staged config
    • Custom manigest.json
    • constants structure
    • First loading animation
    • API Pattern for request
    • Lock API request system
    • Cancel duplicate request
    • Reset default browser CSS
    • Scroll to the top when route change
    • Transform data system for API request
    • Pre-Commit and Commit-Message config (husky)
  • Packages


  • TypeScript
  • sass (for component module sass)
  • animate.css (for your animations)
  • tailwindcss (for main style system)
  • lodash (for working easily with array)
  • axios (for API service and request system)
  • classnames (for merge ClassNames and module sass)
  • react-router-dom (for routing system in your project)
  • prop-types (for specify type in your JSX & component file)
  • react-toastify (for notify message to user in your project)
  • react-device-detect (for check devices and specify mobile type)
  • @reduxjs/toolkit & react-redux (for state management in your project)


  • husky

  • eslint (+ plugins and configs)

  • prettier (+ plugins and configs)

  • stylelint

  • lint-staged

  • eslint-config-airbnb

  • commitlint + config-conventional

  • Hooks

    • useApi (for requests)
    • usePageData (for page requests)
    • useCopyToClipboard (for copy text)
    • useOnScreen (for traking an element on screen)
  • Tools (utils)

    • Snackbar
    • htmlDecode function
    • URLs for share in social
    • generateSnackbar function
    • apiRequestObject for API pattern
    • removeUndefinedFromObject function
    • Log system (Empty function for your config)
    • redirect and attachObjectQueriesToUrl functions
    • truncate and shouldTruncate functions for your texts
    • isDemo, isProduction, isDevelopment, appVersion and appName variables
    • faToEn, enToFa, arToFa, faPriceToEnNumber and formatPrice functions for your numbers (persian language)

You Can Use In This Project

  • You can use the AnimateCSS framework for your animations, add the class animate__animated to an element, along with any of the animation names white the animate__ prefix.

    <h1 class="animate__animated animate__bounce">An animated element</h1>

    REF: https://animate.style/

  • You can use Vazir font in this project. for change EN to FA number with font, use fa-num-font and fa-num-font-bold class. also you can use vazir-bold for bold type.

  • You can import file from src address like this:

    import { INDEX_PAGE_ROUTE } from 'routes/RedirectRoutes';

API Pattern

  • Your API


  • useApi


  • usePageData


How To Run

  • First Git Clone Or Download Project
  • Copy and rename .env.example to .env
  • npm install or yarn add
  • Just Run: npm start
  • Run white style watching:
    • Windows: npm run dev:windows
    • Linux or MaxOs: npm run dev

Other Commands

  • Test: npm run test
  • Build: npm run build
  • Eslint: npm run lint:fix
  • Prettier: npm run pretty
  • Stylelint: npm run lint:style
  • Styles (Watching): npm run styles
  • Build Styles: npm run build:styles

Project TODO

  • Scripts
  • Storybook
  • Test config
  • E2E test config
  • Folder Structure
  • Convert js to ts
  • Add API pattern Doc to MD file
  • Add usePageData & UseApi Doc to MD file