DriveThruRPG API Application for .NET 6

This is a .NET 6 console application for working with the DriveThruRPG API.



  • Requires the .NET 6 SDK for your operating system of choice.
  • Run dotnet build or dotnet publish from the DriveThruRpgApi directory.


  • Update DriveThruRpgApplicationKey in appsettings.json with the Application Key you've created on DriveThruRPG. If you do not want to enter an application key in this file, you will be prompted for one when the application starts.
  • Run dotnet run from the DriveThruRpgApi directory.
    • Or dotnet publish and run the application from the published directory.

Another option

From a web browser, when logged in, you can also access the following page and copy the returned JSON. This should contain all your purchased products, with some handy links that include order number information.[0][data]=null&columns[0][name]=&columns[0][searchable]=false&columns[0][orderable]=false&columns[0][search][value]=&columns[0][search][regex]=false&columns[1][data]=product.title&columns[1][name]=name&columns[1][searchable]=true&columns[1][orderable]=true&columns[1][search][value]=&columns[1][search][regex]=false&order[0][column]=1&order[0][dir]=asc&start=0&length=-1&search[value]=&search[regex]=false&show_archived=false&show_all=0&show_new=&show_updated=0&filter_string=&oneclick=true