
[ABANDONED] XML files with information about PlayStation 3/Vita/Network trophies and games.

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XML files with information about PlayStation 3 trophies and games.


With the loss of psnapi.com.ar, a lot of us have lost game/trophy information.

To offset that I purpose creating a repository of information about PlayStation 3/Vita/Network/etc games and their trophies.

This data can then be both shared and updated by the community.


A big thank you to:

  • Nicolas Ortiz for providing the psnapi.com.ar services for so long, the initial trophy information, and the additional help on pulling data.

  • mbrookes - https://github.com/mbrookes1304 - for supplying additional games.

  • xXREDXIIIXx for supplying game and trophy data for 1,917 games and 62,700+ trophies. (xxredxiiixx.com)

How to help

Check the CONTRIBUTING file for information on how to help provide information.

Initial thoughts (how it started)

Comments from https://psnapi.codeplex.com/discussions/453867

In regards to an alternative, I unfortunately only have the data for 156 of the games (the ones that I have/play) from the psnapi.com.ar service. It looks like Nathan might have all the games?

@mbrookes, what do you have?

In order to supplement the data we can pull from the quasi-official services we'd need the following information:

  • Game title
  • Game id (NP...)
  • Total trophies (and totals for each type)
  • for each trophy:
    • Trophy id
    • Trophy title
    • Trophy description
    • Trophy image URL
    • Whether it's hidden

User data, like the number of trophies they've earned, can be pulled from the quasi-official services. Dates the trophies were earned can also be pulled from that. As can platforms the games are on and when the game was last played.

I've started https://github.com/JamesSkemp/PsnTrophies to store the information.

I'll work on creating an XSD for the XML files tonight, as well as get all the games I have in there.

Nathan, it looks like you were looking for additional information. Do you have any of that information currently for the games?

Would anyone be willing to provide a dump of the data they've collected? I'd be more than willing to go through it to create the initial files.

I don't yet know how we'll do new games, though. What springs to mind is the PS3Trophies.org/Xbox360Achievements.org methods of getting lists from users.