
Red data - Limbo

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I was hoping I could assign this to you ...

Limbo is 2081 and 4612. It appears your data has the two switched.

2081 = ps3
4612 = psp2

Yep I'll sort it out

Assign me anything that needs doing with my data


I've previously committed limbo files to the main games folder but I've fixed the image links in a pull request

So I was deleting the WIP files as I converted them (I felt bad I was sitting on them while I was trying to find time to convert them, and wanted to get them out there), but I'm wondering if we should keep those?

Otherwise, I was just planning on pulling or otherwise getting the data from Red, and then running my script(s) to convert anything new over.


I don't think there's any point in keeping duplicate data

In message to one of the other, now closed topic I will alter my XML output to show ps3,psp2 etc.. make it easier for you but MY DB will still remain the same its cleaner.. besides not all information on here is official like from the sites i have been scraping have (TM) (R) (C) removed etc.

I will need to alter the way my XML output, so it don't duplicate games for you.

Sorry, the reply got buried in my email, or I would have said something sooner.

You really don't have to worry about going through the extra work of tweaking your XML output. It really is easy enough for me to find/replace these when I parse through the XML.

In regards to TM/R/C symbols ... Maybe I should open an issue about that? I've been trying to mimic the PSN/psnapi.com.ar way of reporting these, but since we can start fresh, maybe doing it differently is better?

Yeah it would only take me a min to change it the output of the platforms.but you can do your find/replace same as I would have done :)

Your call. If it only takes a minute for you, and you don't mind, that might be the best in the long run.

I have updated that.